New user...


New Member
I'm a new user of iCash. I've tried iBank, iFinance, Money 3, Moneydance, Moneywell and Quicken 2007 for Mac. While I liked Quicken as a Windows user, I'm not impressed with the Mac counterpart. It seems slow and unpredictable - something a consumer isn't looking for in personal finance software.

I like iCash. I love the versatility of the software. I would like to see the reconciliation feature worked on, though. I have yet to find it useful or intuitive. Quicken does a pretty good job, as do the others. But nothing beats iCash in terms of versatility.

I was wondering if any thought has been put into creating video tutorials for the product. I must admit, at first, I found the software a bit daunting and intimidating. I took time and patience to work with it before I discovered its versatile nature. I believe that the average user would find video tutorials extremely helpful in giving them a jump start.

Also, I would like to see fine tuning in the importing of transactions from banks. I frequently find my self shifting through transactions to find new ones that I haven't previously included. Programming that would exclude those transactions previously entered and showing only those that haven't would be invaluable and a real time saving.

Thank you for a great product.


Staff member
Yes, I think a tutorial would be great. We will have to look for somebody to do it. Actually I think we need tutorials for all our products. Those last years we have been fully focused in the application itself, perhaps it is time to enhance the documentation.

About transaction import we have a serious project going on. It will allow you to set rules in order to automatically import transactions from your bank.