New house in assets, how to?


New Member
I bought a house but I am not sure if I had the "house" in the right way. I have no loan involved in it. It is just how to write my new house in Icash (if I create a new assets account with a start value, it exists before todays date).

I made the following transaction
My spare account ---> "housebuying".expenseaccount : 200 000 EUR

Writing the house in ICash:
* Create an income account: Buyingahouse.incomeaccount
* Create an assets account : MyNewHouse-assetsaccount

* transaction:
Buyingahouse.incomeaccount ---> MyNewHouse-assetsaccount : 200 000 EUR


Staff member
The transaction has to be from a bank account to an asset account. It is a 'conversion' of money into a house, both are assets.