New 5.8 vs- Preview address info not showing - Text is white



Couldn't see the text for Subject, address in the top Preview Panel and thought it wasn't there but when I highlited the white blank space I saw it was.

I have chased it down and it seems that if I have the body text as white that address text in the panel disappears.

<body text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" font="arial">

I need that text to be white as my bground is black.

How can I get to see that panel please?


oz :)


Staff member
I am sorry but I don't understand your issue. What text do you want to see in white?


When the Preview tab is clicked and it shows the message page either in text or html, there is a panel above it where the Subject, addresss, Reply to etc is.

The text data that is inserted here cannot be seen as it's font is obviously white as it cannot be seen in the white backgound where the text would normally would be black.

In my html message, I have the body text and links with a white font as shown in my first message.

This is what I need for my message, however I am not sure why the text in the panel above is also white.

I hope that is a little clearer.




Staff member
In v5.8 the Preview is made of a Safari embedded HTMP viewer on the Mac and a IE viewer on Windows. We simply pass the HTML code to the viewer to get it rendered. If you use a CSS it is possible you modify the behavior of the viewer in a way the headers can disappear. You can do that by modifying the text color. I guess it is what's happening to you, right?


In a way that is correct.

I have the message as html page with a black background and with the body text listed as white or #ffffff. When I change this body text to black I see the text in the panel above it in Preview and the address etc is shown, however when I go back to white text in the body that text dissapears in the panel.

I guess it's no big deal however it is better to see that info to be sure one is sending the correct message wit the correct sender info.

oz :)