mutliple sending of subscritption / unsubscirption mail

I have a problem with my newsletter, I send about 500 mails and about 30 people are constantly receiving again and again the same subscription and then unsubscription message. They are going crazy since it's not stopping ! I don't know what to do, software is not open, statistics says everything went fine but the message are still being sent from I don't know where and how to stop them. An y idea ?
I just asked my mail server but can't understand why it could be their fault but I hop they will have an idea. The problem is when I send a mail, people receive the message but also the subscription message from mlm and also the unsubsription message and the again the subscription without doing any operation ! But not everybody got that. It's really weird and very annoying.
I hope you'll have an idea to solve that.
all the best,
as I suspected my internet provider replied "Pour obtenir de l’aide, vous devrez vous référer au site web de l’entreprise responsable du logiciel et y transmettre votre demande de soutien."
Now I have lots of people angry at me, some of them received 20 messages subscribe-unsubscribe again and again all day long !
I'm sending hereby screencapture of the configuration I have.


Staff member
Messages are sent by the PHP interpreter on your server using the mail() command, all that is standard, the server admin. has logs he can look at. Can't do server support because I have no way to do that. If the problem were really from MLM you would see lots of people complaining here.

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server said they don't know why it could be their problem since the scripts are installed by Maxbulk. So I don't know how to fix that. I just send another newsletter and again, some of the people (not all) receive again and again subscribe /unsubscribe messages. I deleted the database and deleted the lm folder on the ftp to stop this (messages are send 24 hours later sometimes).