Multicurrency reporting


New Member
When I run a profit and loss report (general ledger detail level) in my default currency - UAE dirhams the subtotal doesn't properly reflect payments made in USDollars. Example:

I paid travel expenses of dirham 10,000 and USDollar 5,000. Instead of converting USD5,000 into dirham 18,350 for a total of dirham 28,350 the report shows travel expenses of 15,000. I get the same total travel expenses of 15,000 even when I run a summarized report that doesn't show that some of the payments were not in the default currency.

Please help! I am very confused and frustrated!


New Member
I went to account manager and all accounts were in default except the two cash accounts that showed USD and EURO. Can you supply further help?


Staff member
Have you been in the currency panel? Have you set the default currency and updated all rates?


New Member
It fixed it when I went to currency and updated. But i'm curious - when I log in I see a message that says updating currencies. Why do I have to do it manually?


Staff member
In there iCash preferences, second panel, there is a setting to make iCash to update rates at launch.