Move transaction in queue


New Member
I import a lot of datas from csv file to icash. Some transactions were added in incorrect queue (On same date first were added expenses then income transactions) Based on that, report for account doesn't looks accuracy. How it possible to move transaction in month queue? or add transaction time?

THanks in advance.


New Member
Nope, all transactions are on same date. Just were add like this

date1 expense1 -100
date1 expense2 -200
date1 income 300

I want it to looks like

date1 income 300
date1 expense1 -100
date1 expense2 -200

Because in reports it show negative balance.


Staff member
Have you tried to delete them and re-enter them in the order you want them to appear?


New Member
Well, there are datas from whole 3 years, around 200 transactions per month from bunch of accounts. Everything is linked. It's pretty hard to delete and readd, Will much easy to just move transactions (check reports, then move only wrong queue transactions) I've choose iCash only it have import from csv feature.
This only makes reports ugly, balance is okay.
As far as I understand it impossible, but hope it will possible to add such feature in future.


Staff member
On the original import, who is the culprit, is it a problem with the transaction order in your file or is it iCash not importing the transaction the right way?


New Member
Thought it happened because of timestamp in date filed on csv file. Don't really know who is guilty, iCash or csv :) just wanted to move transactions.


Staff member
Difficult situation, import files don't use to include the transaction time, just the date. As a result transaction are created for a given date. When you do a report the order used is the order in which the transaction were created for any given day. However if you submit a sample file I can work with, a description of the location of the problem and what you expect, I can have a look.