More flexible statistics


New Member
I collected financial data for 6 months with iCash and discovered I can't get needed information, summarized values and stuff.

The query module supports only one search condition additional to the basic ones (account and time period). Say I want to search in project field and in comment field. OR I want to view several specific projects. No strict 'OR' syntax, no regexp, no SQL, no UI for these custom searches.

Reports module - the same situation.

Statistics module - no field filtering at all.

Diagrams also provide too poor functionality. I can't export the picture, I can't export the data, I can't view more than one account at a time, and I can't summarize totals of debit and credit of several accounts.

It is possible to query the database with SQL. But the result is also unexportable and unprocessable.

For example, I've got an income Business acount and expenditure Business account and I want to count the profit for several months. What should I do?


Staff member
I take note of all your requests.

The query module supports only one search condition additional to the basic ones (account and time period). Say I want to search in project field and in comment field. OR I want to view several specific projects.
Have you try to press the command key or the control key between queries? That should add results without deleting the previous ones. This is a OR.

Diagrams also provide too poor functionality. I can't export the picture
You can drag and drop the picture anywhere you want actually.


New Member
Ok. Here is the question.

I've got business incomes and business expances. These are 2 different accounts for income and expence respectively. How can I view the report where the summarized data is shown? Say, all expences and all incomes for the specific period and in scope of specific project.


Staff member
Have you tried the profit and loss report? If so, what do you think is wrong with it?


New Member
Yes, I have.

1. I can't view the report in a diagram. Diagrams don't support projects, and reports support projects but don't support diagrams. Actually I'd like to view the data in a per month scope.

2. Conditions. I can't select more than one project or select by several conditions. I'd like to have the OR and AND conditions. For example, I've got a group of projects I'd like to recieve statistics about, so I set up the OR condition for them.

And the second example. Say, I've got several services for each project and I set the 'special' comment for each transaction. Now I set up the AND condition for the project name and transaction comment.

Though.. If it was possibe to set up OR conditions I can set up several different projects for each service of a project.

PS. Thanks for your fast replies and your work.