MLM Windows Hosting question


New Member
I am having problems with MLM. I have followed all of the steps however because my site is hosted on windows I am having permissions problems. My ISP says they can only set the files to windows permissions. Have you got any pointers to get MLM to run on windows hosting?

I appreciate any help you can be in this



Staff member
I don't think there is any problem here. You should be able to set the permissions the same exact way, don't you?


New Member
Okay that's positive. In that case what are the windows equivalent permissions that the folders / files be set to? None of my FTP clietns will allow me to change permissions so I will need to ring he ISP itself.

This is what my FTP client says some of the files are set up as after I unsuccessfully try to change permissions.

125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
-rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 299 Sep 22 10:30 msg_confirmation.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 462 Sep 22 10:30 msg_subscribe.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 270 Sep 22 10:30 msg_unsubscribe.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 456 Sep 22 10:30 pagefooter.html
-rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 1437 Sep 22 10:30 pageheader.html


New Member
Here is the email I received from my hosting company in reply to an email asking how I could change the folder permissions. I forwarded on your previous email...


Good morning Robert,

Thank you for your email.

You cannot change the permissions as your 'robcoyle' hosting package is configured on a Windows server, not Unix / Linux. As such, your folders have Read and Write access as standard which should be sufficient for your script to run. If not, you will need to contact the vendor of your script to see if they have a compatible Windows equivalent.

Please note it's highly inadvisable to set file or folder permissions to 777 as you are creating a security risk by making that file or folder world writable.

Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.
Kind Regards,


What do you suggest is my next step in getting MLM to work?


New Member
Apols for delay in getting back I have been away for a few days.

According to the hosting company the folder is already writable but I am still getting "Access Denied" whenever I try to run any of the php scripts.

So bearing in mind that the folder is writeable what can I do now?....


Staff member
Perhaps it is not writable for the script. Try to activate debugging from MLM_preference and see what you get.


New Member
I have activated the debug mode by changing the mlm_settings.php file debug mode to true.

I refreshed the mlm.php?cmd=getinfo&pwd=password command. Now I still get "access denied". Where does the debug mode put it's file? I refreshed the directory listing of my webspace and there is now new file plus I checked the settings file to see if it had been appended and it had not.

What should I do next?


Staff member
That mode only output more info on screen. If you use commands with Safari you will get more information in case of errors. It is how it works actually. Try to subscribe yourself for example with Safari.


New Member
I attempted a few commands and all I get is "Access Denied" all the time.

So what we know:
1 The folder on my server is writeable

2 here is a crude representation of the folder. It is located off the domain directory on my webspace. i.e.


3 The debug mode is set to on

No matter what command I issue I get "Access Denied"


New Member
I am still waiting on my hosting provider to come back to me with their answer and will include their response on my next post.


New Member
My hosting provider came back with this

Good Morning Robert,

The reason this is happening is because the addresses you are using act as if 'mlm.php' is a file while in fact it is a folder. This would be fine if 'mlm.php' contained an index page as the URL you are using would then use the index page to parse the URLs as:


Is actually effectively:


But there is no index.php file present so all that is happening is your web hosting is trying to display the contents of the folder '/mlm.php/' and as directory indexes are off you get an "Access Denied" page instead. I would check with your developer to see how and where these files should be set up as it seems possible at the moment that they are simply in the wrong place or are being accessed incorrectly.