MLM upload Error 500, everything else works fine


New Member
Greetings, I just upgraded from MLM 2 to 3 and from Maxbulk 7 to 8. Everything seems to be working great on MBM. I can access and upload to my remote Sql lists. In the MLM I can log in and view my lists with the new interface, however when I attempt to modify the list online (NOT via MBM, but via Google Chrome) i am returned a HTTP 500 error. Any ideas? The exact error chrome returns is:

The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.


Staff member
Do you always get that error? Is it when creating a list or adding a recipient to a list?


New Member
No - V2 was working properly prior to the upgrade. It happens when adding a recipient to the list. I have not tried to create a new list. will try now.


New Member
OK - also happens when creating a new list in the online interface.

Can create a remote list in MBM no problem. Can also upload to remote lists via MBM no problem. Its just something going on - on the http side. Could it be a .htaccess file, or php server setting?


New Member
Ok -some new info. I just double checked my .htaccess files and my php ini files on my server. I eliminated both and v3 upload still did not work. So either it is a bad permission somewhere or there is something in the code thats not working. Any insight would be wonderful.

What file in the LM foder controls the uploads via the HTML interface? If you let me know I can play with assigning different permissions to it to see if I can get it to work.

Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Check the 'lm' folder permissions. It should be 777 however on some server it works better with 775, 755 or even 705.


New Member
Hi Stan,

I set permissions to 777, 775, 755 & 705 and some returned the 500 error others completely broke the functionality of the lm folder altogether. Right now I have the LM folder set to 705.

The direct interface between MBM and MLM continues to work fine with permissions set to 705.


New Member
Hi Stan - Here is some more information - The un-subscribe interface works just fine via the MLM online interface - so the only issue is adding to a list via the online interface - (both directly within the lm admin panel and within the user form panel -- both are not working at the moment). I think there must be some error in the lm.php file code somewhere as every other function works fine. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you want to check the settings yourself, i am happy to set up an ftp account for you to check things out.


Staff member
Weird, I have never heard of such bug. I can myself add recipients to my MLM install without problems. The error you get is 'An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.'. Have you asked your server support about that? I wonder what that 'unexpected condition' is. :-/


New Member
Hi Stan - I just got off the phone with my web hosting provider and they said the only problem they could see was line 4158 of the lm_functions.php file was causing an error. the line reads:

$query = GetCreateRequestTableQuery( GetmySQLMajorVersion(), $tbname_req );

they guessed the problem lay in the GetCreateRequestTableQuery command. I know nothing about php - any thoughts on this?

Also - I pulled up the error log and it also had this line in it:

PHP Warning: Missing argument 1 for cpanel_Login(), called in public_html/mywebsite/lm/lm.php on line 1298 and defined in public_html/mywebsite/lm/lm_admin.php on line 7

Thanks in advance - Jonathan


Staff member
The GetCreateRequestTableQuery() function returns the query to create a table depending on your running mySQL version. Indeed the query is not the same for v3, v4 and v5. This function was introduced a lot of time ago and I never heard of problems, I believe it is stable. This function is used only once per table so if there are 4 tables this function will be called only 4 times. About PHP Warnings about missing arguments, you ca ignore it.

Which mySQL tables do you have right now created for MLM? Can you give me their names? Do they contain data?


New Member
Hi Stan,

I have three tables right now in the sql database as follows:

tbl_mlm_sub - there are 1011 records in it
tbl_mlm_sub_clk - there are 3465 records in it
tbl_mlm_sub_clk_test - there are 73 records in it

If i need other tables can you give me the code to put in phpMyAdmin to add them? The MLM install from MBM won't work due to some htaccess files in root.

Thanks in advance!


Staff member
You have to create tbl_mlm_sub_req and tbl_mlm_sub_loc
The queries are in the lm_queries.php file. They depend on your mySQL version.


New Member
Hi Stan - My server is running MySQL version 5.1.56 with PHP my Admin verison, but it looks like the query's in the lm_queries.php are only for MySQL version 3 or 4.

Question 1 - Could this be the problem?
Question 2 - Can I run the version 4 query in version 5 of mysql with no problems?
Question 3 - If I can run the version 4 query in version 5 of mysqul - which queries do I need to run to create the tbl_mlm_sub_req and tbl_mlm_sub_loc tables?

Please feel free to copy and paste the exact query into this thread as I really don't know how to use PhpMyAdmin very well.

Thanks in advance!


Staff member
In lm_queries.php you have queries for v3, v4 and v5. v5 is default and it is the third one in each block.

The v5 query to create tbl_mlm_sub_req is:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_mlm_sub_req ` (
					`fld_reference` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
					`fld_date` datetime NOT NULL,
					`fld_command` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
 					`fld_lists` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  					`fld_firstname` varchar(64) NULL,
 					`fld_lastname` varchar(64) NULL,
 					`fld_company` varchar(64) NULL,
 					`fld_email` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
 					`fld_opt1` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt2` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt3` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt4` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt5` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt6` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt7` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt8` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt9` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt10` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt11` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt12` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt13` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt14` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt15` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt16` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt17` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt18` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt19` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt20` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_sub` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 					`fld_bl` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 					`fld_pwd` varchar(64) NULL,
 					PRIMARY KEY  (`fld_id`),
 					KEY `fld_reference` (`fld_reference`)
The v5 query to create tbl_mlm_sub_loc is:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_mlm_sub_loc` (
					`fld_list` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
					`fld_firstname` varchar(64) NULL,
					`fld_lastname` varchar(64) NULL,
					`fld_company` varchar(64) NULL,
					`fld_email` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
					`fld_opt1` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt2` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt3` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt4` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt5` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt6` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt7` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt8` varchar(128) NULL,
 				 	`fld_opt9` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt10` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt11` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt12` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt13` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt14` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt15` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt16` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt17` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt18` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt19` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_opt20` varchar(128) NULL,
 					`fld_action` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
					`fld_test` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
					`fld_processed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
					`fld_bl` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 					`fld_pwd` varchar(64) NULL,
					PRIMARY KEY  (`fld_id`),
					KEY `fld_list` (`fld_list`)