[MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB()


New Member

I have not resolved the 500 server error from this thread: http://www.maxprog.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5477&p=18027#p18027 and just experienced another problem that may or may not be related.

Just sent out a email blast to one of my lists and it returned the following error:

[MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB()

I have no idea how to troubleshoot this. Please help!

Thanks in advance.

- Jonathan


Staff member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

This is a connection problem between MLM and your mySQL server. Are you sure you mySQL data is correct? Are you using a mySQL account with full access?


New Member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

I just checked and am 100% sure I have full access to the MySql database - however, I am not sure if all the database tables are correct. They are as follows:

tbl_mlm_sub 1,011 MyISAM utf8_bin 165.0 KiB 16.5 KiB
tbl_mlm_sub_clk 3,466 MyISAM utf8_bin 807.7 KiB -
tbl_mlm_sub_clk_test 73 MyISAM utf8_bin 28.5 KiB -


Staff member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

Where is tbl_mlm_sub_req? This is the reason why you get that error. Did you create the other tables manually or did MLM do it automatically?


New Member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

Hi Stan - SOLVED! Creating the missing tables fixed the problem. Thanks!


Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

How do I create the missing tables?

Sorry, not knowledgeable in mySQL at all....

(Were these tables that MLM suppose to create automatically on setup?)


Staff member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

MLM creates the tables automatically as long as the mySQL account you are using has the sufficient privileges to do so.


Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

I have full privilages.
So what could be wrong?
Can I re=create the tables?
If I re-install, will MLM keep previous data?


Staff member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

I guess you just have to create the missing table, right? What table is it?


Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

These are the tables currently there.

According to JKmrK, he fixed his problem by creating missing table.

I don't have a clue what table/s I have to re-create to fix the problem.

I must say that I had it fully functional BEFORE I upgraded to Version 8. In my case, it's the upgrading that BROKE it. Don't know why... :(


Staff member
Re: [MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RemoveExpiredRequestsFromDB

I don't see problems here. You have all tables in place. None is missing. Try to reinstall MLM manually, the very last version is available here.