MLM doesnt check for double recipients?


New Member
Hi Stan,
I have just got the message that a person has subscribed to one of my lists who has already subscribed earlier. The same name, the same email-adress.
Doesn't MLM check if an email-adress is already in the list? MBM does! But it would of cause more convenient if the customer did know that he has already subscribed directly when filling in the form.
As far as I recall it, MLM once did do this checking!?



New Member
Yes, that`t how it should be.
Which thing could I have made wrong that it doesn't work with my list? What I did, I changed the name from list 1 to one that makes more sense for the customer. But that sould not have caused such a change in the checking also?



New Member
As far as I remember it by changing the subscribe_single_fixed.php.
Maybe that I missed changing some important commands there?
If that is necessary, can you tell me at which rows, at which points I have to adjust the list? I am not so skilled with all the commands that are important.



Staff member
The command is:

This command allows the administrator (you) to rename a list. This command should be used with extreme care since you have to update any HMTL form you have created with the new list name (it looks like you already did that).


New Member
I don't get that work.
The renaming works, but ...
The only subscription form that I use is the file: "subscribe_single_fixed.php"
In this file I have changed the $list ="list1" to $list ="NEW-LISTNAME" in the following line:
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['list'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['list'] ) ) { $list = $_REQUEST['list']; } else { $list = "NEW-LISTNAME"; }
So one can subscribe and unsubscribe but I then one cann subscribe for many times (I've tried that) without MLM checking and warning like it shoud do.



Staff member
That looks correct to me. It is how I set it and I can't subscribe many times to the same list. Are you really going thru the whole subscribing process? I mean, do you click on the confirmation link inside the confirmation email?


New Member
I did the process of renaming and deleting all related files from the server a few times. Now it seems that it works again.
Strange, but - are also only people, isn't it?

Thanks, Elmar