mlm and MySQL


New Member
I've got the MySQL settings in the MLM settings file and do I need to manually setup a MySQL db on the server or does it set it up for me?

I've used ... mypassword

and it returns Error - mySQL is not activated.

I've also created a db with the same settings as I put in the MLM settings file.

The "flat" MLM works (meaning I've got things installed correctly on the server), but I'd like to setup the MySQL for storing data.

Any suggestions?



Staff member
The MLM script is set to create the table automatically but you have to make sure your mySQL settings in mlm_settings.php are correct. You have to use a full access account, not a read only account nor account with read/write privileges only


New Member
stanbusk said:
The MLM script is set to create the table automatically but you have to make sure your mySQL settings in mlm_settings.php are correct. You have to use a full access account, not a read only account nor account with read/write privileges only

I've created the DB, set password/login on the server, and still get that error. Is that "full access account" something my ISP needs to setup? I've tried on two completely different servers, both of which I have admin permissions. I'm familiar with CHMOD with files/folders, is there something like that for the DB as well?


Staff member
No, there no CHMOD for the DB. Using the right account is enough.

At the beginning of the script add:


Then try to run the table creation command again. You will se all the errors and warnings.


New Member
This is what I get:

Notice: Use of undefined constant PHP_SELF - assumed 'PHP_SELF' in (myserver path)/scripts/mlm/mlm.php on line 167
Error - mySQL is not activated.


Staff member
What do you have on line 167?

About Error - mySQL is not activated could you run the GetInfo command and send me the result?