MLM and my SQL



I have no problem with MLM and in most cases it works fine so I can watch statistics. etc., but just some of the messages are returned by my server I guess with some database or SQL error. Please see a RAW file of the message attached.

Thank you.


Staff member
This error is unreadable... it looks like the data in the query has some kind of problem :-/ Do you have the raw source as plain text?


Staff member
Does your web server and mySQL server support UTF-8? Do you know what version of PHP and mySQL they are running?


The thing is that some of recipients work fine with cyrillic characters, while others respond this way. Maybe the problem is not just on my server side.

Here are the details of my server:

UTF-8 is a default setting.

[root@server ~]# php -v
PHP 5.4.25 (cli) (built: Feb 18 2014 14:20:14)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

[root@server ~]# mysql -v
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8718328
Server version: 5.5.36 MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Remi


Staff member
The error happens when tracking a click. It is when the subscriber clicks on a link on your message.

MaxBulk Mailer is 100% UTF-8, MLM is set to use UTF-8 as well. However it is possible the subscriber is using another encoding. It would be of great help to contact one of those subscribers and tell him to send the raw source of the message, zipped. That way we could investigate the MLM link.

The idea is be able to reproduce the problem in some way.


To ask then what to send, my sent message from their inbox? I am not sure they can do this. And I guess you can replicate the issue changing your server configuration to any other encoding. I guess they can use Cyrillic Windows 1251 or Cyrillic RU-8 in most cases.


Staff member
In most mail reader you have an option to see the raw source. You can copy that, paste it to a text file and zip it. It would great to see the raw source of one of those messages. :wink: Later we can try to do more to fix any posible problem.


My subscribers are my customers and I don't want ask them to do this, as it is too much hassle for them. I can send one of those letters to you, so you can see generated links, etc. by yourself, if you don't mind.


Staff member
You can do that but you say the problem is just with a few subscribers, it would have been great to get the message from one of those subscribers, at least to know what the problem is and where it comes from. So far we don't know that. Problem tracking is explained here: I have found a problem - How should I report it?. As you can see this is an established procedure. Your problem is unknown, asa result we need information. Without information we can do nothing.