MBM sending message multiple times


I send out a bulk mailing once a month, to ~9000 addresses. Every month, a certain number of the emails - don't know exactly how many, but a fairly large %- are sent twice and sometimes even more!. Settings are singly, group 50, interval varies to achieve <500/hr, port 26, 2 connections. The send times are for the duplicate messages are anywhere from less than a minute apart to over an hour apart,

This is very damaging, as many people unsubscribe because they don't want my messages crowding up their inboxes. My sense, although I can't quantify this, is that this problem has been getting much worse in recent versions.

I hope you can figure this out. MBM is one of my favorite programs, and I recommend it all the time, but this is a serious problem.




Staff member
This is really strange. What does the delivery report say? Have you contacted your ISP about that? Did you cancel the delivery at some point and then resume?


hmmmn- The delivery report is strange- this is on of them, ran all night, and I know that several addresses recieved multiple messages during that time. not that it says it sent ~12000 messages to ~9000 recipients!

MaxBulk Mailer Delivery Report [#319] - 5/14/08

Mailer version: 5.7.1-US Pro - Registered
Machine OS/speed: Mac OS 10.4.11 Tiger/2.66Ghz

Streams: 2 [2 Used] Single Server
Delivery mode: Singly (Tag processing ON)

SMTP server address: mail.xxx.com [Port: 26] SSL Off
Authentication: ESMTP (Login) | []
Groups: 50 [Interval: 00:06:00]

Delivery start date: 5/13/08 at 4:13:25 PM
End date: 5/14/08 at 10:04:55 AM
Total duration: 17 hour(s), 51 minute(s), 30 second(s) - Retries: 0/7
Rate: 0.18 recipient(s)/second

to a total of: 8,666 recipient(s) [8,666/9,512]
Sent: 11,796

Mail subject: [WME] SOWA Art Walk Open Studios (This Weekend)
Mail priority: Normal
Return receipt: No
Mail format: Styled Text [ISO-8859-1]
Mail size: 1.13 KB (Doesn't include attachments)
Attachments: none

stanbusk said:
This is really strange. What does the delivery report say? Have you contacted your ISP about that? Did you cancel the delivery at some point and then resume?


Staff member
Did you cancel the delivery at some point and then resume? Have you tried to reduce connections to 1?


Yes, I did cancel and resume, but as I said, not during the early hours of the morning, when I know MBM sent multiple messages to many addresses.

I have not tried to reduce the connections- will that help? I will try when I send out a new mailing in 2 weeks.

I have to say, though, that this seems like a bug. As I said, my sense is that it has gotten worse after recent upgrades.


stanbusk said:
Did you cancel the delivery at some point and then resume? Have you tried to reduce connections to 1?


Staff member
The very only possible cause of such behavior is canceling and resuming at some point. One or several connections are not being cancelled by the server. This is very rare and it is a problem with the server. We are currently working on adding more security code to avoid that situation.


I have been having this problem recently too. And I have never had to cancel and resume. However when MBM gets to the end of the recipient list I have noticed that instead of just stopping, it registers a send error with one address and keeps attempting to send it. Could this be causing multiple sends higher up on the recipient list? This only happens with mail send by SMTP and not by localhost.