MaxBulk Mailer changes all Links - Oh help me!


New Member
Hi Stan,

I have just sent a newsletter to my clients and what happened is, that the program automatically changed any hyperlink of that newsletter to the list of recipients!! On whatever link the recepient clicks he gets as result the mlm-list!! That will probably cause much indignance.
What can have happened? I checked all links and they are still correct. The change of the adresses must happen during the process of transmission.

I have to repair that as soon as possible.




Staff member
Not sure I understand, do you have more data? Your MLM configuration? The link itself?


New Member
The original link I have built up in the mail (one of many) is: ... ildung.htm

And that is what has been made of it when sent:

I have quickly deleted the mlm-list "inhypnos.txt" so that the link doesn't work any longer. But before anyone got the text link of all my newsletter recipients (listed in "inhypnos.txt").

I hope that makes it clearer.



New Member
... that is, in the English version (I use the German one) what I called "external list" is called "remote list".
To assure that we both talk of the same place and url:
"Preferences/General/Remote Lists"
As I said, if I put there:, I do not get the remote list in MBM (at "Recipients").


New Member
Next information:
Whatever I fill in as adress for the remote-url, the programm takes as aim for any hyperlink that I have in my mail!! One can see that already in the preview as I recognize now. Also in the plain text version!!
If I leave the url blank (in the preferences), only then my hyperlinks stay as originally built up.
I think there must be something wrong with the programming!?



Staff member
There is nothing wrong with the programming I am aware of. However perhaps there is something wrong with your installation. MaxBulk Mailer uses the 'lm.php' script to get or transfer data to MLM. This is the reason why the 'lm.php' address has to be used in the MaxBulk Mailer preferences.


New Member
Okay then. What can have been made wrong with the installation? MBM is selfinstalling. I have checked all parameters in the preferences and (so far) I cannot find anything that could be wrong.
MLM is also mostly installed automatically from MBM. Whatever I could check (as a normal layman user) has been checked also.
What results should be shown if I give the adress into the browser? I get an error message. It says it misses the parameter for the &cmd=command ??
Is there anything that has to be changed manually in the im.php?


Staff member
What results should be shown if I give the adress into the browser? I get an error message. It says it misses the parameter for the &cmd=command ??
Is there anything that has to be changed manually in the im.php?
This is the correct response since you haven't provide any command.

You could try to install current 2.2.3 manually. It is available here

You can do that with a FTP software like Transmit, Fetch, CoreFTP… This how you have to proceed:

1.- Open the lm/lm_settings.php file with a text editor.
2.- Edit the script settings and save (each setting is explained in the file). [1]
3.- Upload the ‘lm’ folder to your FTP server (in your public folder). [2]
4.- Use your FTP software to CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 777 (or 775 or 755). [3]
5.- Enter the ‘lm.php’ full URL and your user ID and password to MaxBulk preferences.
6.- If you have selected to use mySQL run the script with the ‘Init’ command:


[1] The lm/lm_settings.php contains all the parameters you can change to customize the script to match your needs. When doing a manual installation it is important to open that file with a plain text editor like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on the Macintosh.

[2] Never upload MLM to your home root folder if you have a specific folder for public html documents like ‘public’, ‘html’, ‘public_html’, ‘web’, ‘www’, ‘httpdocs’. Just open the folder or any subfolder first!

[3] If you don’t know how to CHMOD a folder with your FTP software please read your FTP software manual. It is possible your server doesn’t like you to CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 777 (showing an ‘Internal Server Error’ when you try to run the script with your browser) so just try 775 or 755.


New Member
okay, so far. I have reinstalled mlm manually. And now I get results for the remote list in MBM. That works.
And how can I change the name of the list (now: list1) to a name that makes sense vor the custumer when he gets the confirmation? I had changed that in the "subscribe_single_fixed.php file". Is that okay? Or where else must the name changed?
And: As I check the results of my newsletter: the hyperlinks are still changed by the program, as soon as I put the url ( as remote-adress in the preferences!!
As before the result is a hyperlink like this in the newsletter: ... rl=http%3A%2

Originally it was this: ... tungen.htm


Staff member
And how can I change the name of the list (now: list1) to a name that makes sense vor the custumer when he gets the confirmation? I had changed that in the "subscribe_single_fixed.php file". Is that okay? Or where else must the name changed?
That's ok. It is the only place you have to change it.
And: As I check the results of my newsletter: the hyperlinks are still changed by the program, as soon as I put the url ( as remote-adress in the preferences!!
Yes, this click-through tracking. Code is added in order to track the clicks to this link. To see short links use the Styled Text format rather than plain text.


New Member
Okay, all the strange characters are added for tracking purposes. And I see that Styled Text is more convenient because it shows the normal short links.
How will people get the mail who only receive Plain Text mails? I suppose they still get the long (and then confusing) version, isn't it?


Staff member
Yes, if you use Plain Text as your format your subscribers will receive the full links. With Plain Text there is no way to hide them.


New Member
Okay so far, but:
now I have changed the name of the list to "inhypnos-newsletter" (from "list1") in the "subscribe_single_fixed.php file". Unfortunately the list does not show up in the romote List of mbm. The list is uploaded and people can subscribe and unsubscribe. The adress of the url is still correct. I did not change anything there.


Staff member
This is weird since MaxBulk Mailer asks MLM for the list of lists and display them to you. Are you sure the subscriber are actually subscribing to that new "inhypnos-newsletter" list?


New Member
Yes, the subscription works. I got a subscription this morning and tried myself just now. No problem.
When I have installed the new list, a few days before the list was in the remote funktion of mbm. Meanwhile I have not worked with it, but when I started today to look for the name of a new subscriber, the list was not shown.


Staff member
Have you tried to load the list of lists with your web browser? The command is:
What do you get?