MaxBulk Mailer 6


New Member
Any idea when it will be released.

Also new options and improvements?


* Supports tags in Cc and Bcc.
* Integrated Email tracking

Any other advanced news...



Staff member
It is scheduled to be released on november. The feature list will be maintained secret until the day of release :)


New Member
I was planning on buying the latest version today. If version 6 comes out next month would I need to pay for the upgrade?


Staff member
Note that you will have to ask for your new serial once v6 is released thru our Help Desk.


New Member
Another idea for a new feature would be to let MaxBulkMailer check a certain email address for unsubscribe messages. So it would be possible for recipients of mailinglists to unsubscribe via "to unsubscribe reply to this message and set the subject to UNSUBSCRIBE".

MaxBulkMailer checks the account these messages are sent to and deactivates the addresses in the mailing list that have sent the unsubscribe-messages.

looking forward for the new release