MaxBulk Mailer 6.1 release


Maxprog News

What's new:
New - New DEACTIVATE batch process keyword for deactivating addresses from a file.
Upg - Support for the up and down arrows for moving thru records in the recipient edition window.
Upg - Support for the page-up and page-down arrows for moving thru records by page in the recipient edition window.
Upg - Support for the top and bottom arrows for moving to top or bottom of the record list in the recipient edition window.
Upg - Support for embedding HTML formatted 'https://', 'ftp://' and 'mailto;' links into styled text messages.
Upg - Recipient list printout is now 'stripped' to make it easier to read.
Upg - The account setting password field now accepts spaces.
Fix - History and Favorites windows now close when using the Cmd+W shortcut on Mac OS X.
Fix - Problem with embedded HTML tag in styled text in given ocasion ( '>' converted into '>')
Fix - Small glitch when saving a document, it still appears as changed.
Fix - Small glitch when saving a document, wrong name proposed in given occasions.
Fix - An email address is no longer added despite MBM tells you it is a duplicate and you decide not to add it.
Fix - Remote List encoding problem in given occasions.
Fix - Several fixed to mlm.php script and to the sample html files.
Fix - Cmd+H shortcut replaced with Shift+Cmd+H on Mac OS X version to avoid conflict with system 'Hide' command.
Fix - Favorites now support fonts.
Fix - Issue with Remote Lists (MLM) when the date is missing from the List of available lists.

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