MaxBulk Mailer 6.0


Staff member
MaxBulk Mailer v6 has been released today! The full list of new features introduced by this new version is available here in 10 languages: MaxBulk Mailer v6 What's new.

It can be downloaded here: Mac OS X | Windows

If you are already a registered user of a previous version of MaxBulk Mailer you are eligible for an upgrade so you don't have to purchase the whole software again. There are several upgrades available. Be careful to order the right one. They depend on the version you currently own, v3, v4 or v5 and whether you purchased Standard, Pro or Ultimate Email Toolkit. You can purchase the upgrade here: MaxBulk Mailer v6 upgrades.

You can recover your current activation code or serial number from the
Maxprog serial recovery page.

We offer a 90-days grace period so if you purchased MaxBulk Mailer v5 after August 9th 2008 you are eligible for
a free upgrade. Ask for your new serial number using our support help desk.

As usual this upgrade will include one year of free monthly updates.