Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-mail


New Member

I just bought "MailStyler" to design my e-mails with a wysiwyg-programm as doing it by hand in Maxbulk takes a lot of time. The output is working fine if viewing it by different mails and also sending it manually.

Bit if I copy it into Maxbulk - the program freezes. It would be great if you can find out why and the better: fix it. As the "Nachricht" tab (German version) seems just to holf plain text of the (html) mail source I do not understand what it is that makes the program freeze.

It would really a great relief if you have an answer - and a solution.


Staff member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Do you mean you copy and paste the HTML code and it crashes? Are you using MaxBulk Mailer 8.5? On a Mac, or a PC?


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Sorry, that I did not answer earlier. I did not get a note that there was already a reply. To your question:

- yes, I copied the html from an html-editor to the max bulk editor tab

- I can switch to the preview tab and see the html-rendered mail before mx bulk freezes. Sometimes I am even nota able to switch tabs after pasting the html-code.

- I use Max Bulk 8.5-DE. The version that was recommemded if I want to use apple script.

- I use Max Bolk on a Mac OS X 10.10.4

Any ideas how to be able to paste these approx. 37 kb html with max bulk?

Kind regards


Staff member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

I guess you can access the crash log... Can you can paste here the first 20 lines below 'Thread 0 has crashed' text?


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Where do I find the crash log?


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

I found it... But I do not know if there really is a crash report as the app freezes and I force-quit it... What I find is this:

Date/Time: 2015-07-23 01:30:21 +0200
OS Version: 10.10.4 (Build 14E46)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 21

Command: MaxBulk Mailer
Path: /Applications/MaxBulk Mailer
Version: 8.5 (
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 18191

Event: hang
Duration: 3.10s (process was unresponsive for 23 seconds before sampling)
Steps: 32 (100ms sampling interval)

Hardware model: MacBookPro6,1
Active cpus: 4

Fan speed: 2746 rpm

Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically
Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Now I did re-paste some html. The app freezed and crashed and asked if I want to report it... There it says:

rocess: MaxBulk Mailer [7867]
Path: /Applications/MaxBulk Mailer
Identifier: com.maxprog.maxbulkmailer
Version: 8.5 (
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: MaxBulk Mailer [7867]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2015-07-27 17:45:57.550 +0200
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.4 (14E46)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: 3FFD2594-5E82-B9AF-65E4-8DB05188EE1D

Sleep/Wake UUID: E269F632-7B0E-4C56-8CFB-0FD87ACE2744

Time Awake Since Boot: 28000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 4400 seconds

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

VM Regions Near 0:
__TEXT 0000000000001000-00000000014b9000 [ 20.7M] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/MaxBulk Mailer

Application Specific Information:
Performing @selector(menuItemAction:) from sender NSMenuItem 0x2abf130


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Hi there,

any ideas why May Bulk Mailer crahes about the the html - and the better: how to fix it and be able to use html? Or any hints which html-mail-editor to use without crashing max Bulk Mailer?



Staff member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

It is quite weird, HTML is simple plain text. Can you compress that file and attach it so I can try to reproduce the problem?


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

The compress HTML file is already attached to my first post in this thread. Can you see/download it?


Staff member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Yes, a rather small file, I can paste it on any MaxBulk Mailer document here without problems... I can then preview with no problems.

Try to open the MaxBulk Mailer preferences and change the default font. I believe you are using a corrupt or duplicate font.


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Well I change the "Standard" to Arial. Could switch a bit between the tabs. Than MaxBulk freezes (spinning wheel) again and needs to force-closed...

That means I stil cannot get a running version. Any further ideas what to alter or where to look?


Staff member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

I found the problem, the UNDO system has a problem. I will try to fix that as fast as possible and let you know.


New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Okay, great that you did digged further - especially as you saw/thought it working and the "dumb user" insisted that it would not. I assume that I could not have found out the problem myself (UNDO-system).

When you will have fixed this problem and anything will work fine, I will be very relieved - to use my MailStyler programm together with you MayBulk as I like the programm much - also with being able to use AppleScript to link Filemaker with MaxBulk.



New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-

Dear Stan,

is there already a solution of the UNDO-system error in sight? Would be great!



New Member
Re: Maxbulk crahes constantly over pated html-code for an e-


before the problem is fixed - can you outline what I still be able to do/use and what might be a problem?

Best wishes, Luna