Max Bulk and FileMaker8


New Member
I haved tried importing my addressed from the example of filemaker given in the Max Bulk folder where there is a botton called "add to Max BulkMailer" and it's works.

But now, I'm trying to insert this botton directly in my filemaker database. I have imported the botton with no problems. But when I click on it, a window reporting me that no fields are imported appears.

I think it is related to the route I indicate in the configuration botton window.
In the example explains that I must insert the field and then &"\" this way:

Company name &"\"& Name_1 &"\"

But in my windows there isn't any \ but only /.
I don't know if this is the problem.
Could anyone help me with this?
Thanks a lot.


Staff member
With FileMaker 8 the calculation line should be:
Firstname & "\\" & Surname & "\\" & Company & "\\" & Email & "\\" & Opt1 &"\\" & Opt2 & "\\" & Opt3 & "\\" & Opt4 & "\\" & Opt5 & "\\" & Opt6 & "\\" & Opt7 & "\\" & Opt8 & "\\" & Opt9 & "\\" & Opt10 & "\\"