Mail Server Queue Issue?


New Member
I have been having an issue with what I think is emails piling up in the queue on the server.

I'd specifically like to know if this is the issue. See the third line below.

[02] 1/9 08:55:35 > RCPT TO:<*******@*****.com> [50/42958]

Is "[50/42958]" the queue count? Are there "42958" mails that have yet to be sent, waiting to send in the queue? Or am I way off...? Any help you might be able to offer will be greatly appreciated.

[01] 1/9 08:55:35 > QUIT
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 250 2.1.0 Ok
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 > RCPT TO:<*******@*****.com> [50/42958]
[01] 1/9 08:55:35 221 2.0.0 Bye
[01] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[01] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ Next Delivery in 00:30:15
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 250 2.1.5 Ok
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 > DATA
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ Sending message
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ with ID <MfQGfPe1BqJNaMD3JkCHocnvFIT3kaJ58AjBYPfVhSkJ@********.com>
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ To [email protected]
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 558658BC9B97
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[02] 1/9 08:55:35 ~ Delay of 1815s [00:30:15]
[02] 1/9 08:55:36 > QUIT
[02] 1/9 08:55:36 221 2.0.0 Bye
[02] 1/9 08:55:36 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[02] 1/9 08:55:36 ~ Next Delivery in 00:30:15

