Mail Delivery


I use MaxBulk Mailer to send newsletters of various types to my clients.

While I have one (1) mail list going, I normally set up the others.

Am I just wondering, while the first list/mail out is going and a send a test mail (on the second or any following mail outs) using Delivery -> Test Mode, does it send my test in what priority? My first mail is going at "Normal" Priority (in the Message tab).

Will my test go out as a higher Priority than the "Normal" or will it be stuck behind the ongoing mail out?


Staff member
By default MaxBulk Mailer sends emails at normal priority. You can change that priority using the 'Precedence' pull-down menu. All the options there will reduce the priority (as long as the server actually supports the precedence header).


Just to confirm, Test Mode sends at normal priority, Right?

May I suggest to make Test Mode send at a higher (if not highest priority) in future updates.

Seems pointless to send a test but then have to wait for the test email to go up the outqueue. Maybe if it sends at the highest priority, then one can continue working on other stuff (e.g., setting up other emailing campaigns) once test has been confirm correct. Don't have to wait and maybe get sidetracked in the process? Immediate sending will streamline the whole my opinion anyway.


Staff member
Current priority is the highest. All the others (bulk, junk, list) will make the message to be delivered delayed.

Do not confuse this with the priority pull-down menu on the message panel, that has no effect on speed.