Mac OS 10.9


New Member
stanbusk said:
I have no reports of problems so far.

Well you have one now. When I try to edit a message BulkMailer crashes. I followed the instructions on the site to remove preference files, reinstall, etc. but the problem persists. HELP!!



Staff member
I am using MaxBulk Mailer with 10.9 since the system was released and I haven't seen any problem. Crash on editing is a twelve years old problem, it happens when the default font is corrupt on duplicated on your system. You can make sure changing that default font in the MaxBulk Mailer preferences.


New Member
I just did this on the suggestion of your supprt team but it made no difference. I changed it to Arial, should I try something else?


New Member
The only problems I've noticed are in the preview screen. If one attempts to select text in the preview screen and the text in the preview screen extends beyond the window the window should "scroll" to allow my to select all the text but in fact the window doesn't scroll accordingly and even if I attempt to grab the side bar to scroll it sometimes it locks up, this only seems to be a problem on the preview screen.


New Member
I'm having the preview screen problems mentioned above, and another, more serious problem, which I'm not certain is related to the Mac OS upgrade or not. My mailing usually takes about 8-9 hours to go out. I'm now 36 hours into a mailing and it's only about halfway done. I haven't changed my MaxBulk Mailer settings. My internet connection seems fine. I've paused the mailing and rebooted my Mac just to be sure it wasn't anything to do with my computer. Has anyone else experience a major slowdown in MaxBulk Mailer since upgrading to Mavericks? Or should I be looking elsewhere for an answer?

Thanks in advance for any clues!


New Member
smartakus said:
...Has anyone else experience a major slowdown in MaxBulk Mailer since upgrading to Mavericks? Or should I be looking elsewhere for an answer?

Thanks in advance for any clues!

YES! In addition to my problems trying to edit text I have also noticed a big slowdown. It used to take about 40 minutes to send 4,000 emails (through AUTHSMTP set to 3 connections). It now takes over 90 minutes. Essentially it takes twice as long now.


New Member
Thanks Leo - after hearing that others are experiencing a slowdown, I'm inclined to submit a ticket to Maxprog about this...


New Member
smartakus said:
Thanks Leo - after hearing that others are experiencing a slowdown, I'm inclined to submit a ticket to Maxprog about this...

Please do and keep us updated. In fact, I will also and anyone else should too so that they see this problem is widespread.


Staff member
About speed problem select the MaxBulk Mailer icon on the Finder and then the 'File > Get Info' menu. Then activate the 'Prevent App Nap' checkbox.

About the Preview, it is a embedded Safari window. I guess new Safari works differently as a result it works differently in MaxBulk Mailer.


New Member
Thanks, at least the speed problem is solved. I didn't even know about App Nap until you mentioned it. Looking it up on the Apple site it says you can use the Activity Monitor to tell you which apps are using it. Too bad there isn't an option to toggle it depending if you're on battery or power adaptor on laptops.


New Member
Thanks Stan - hopefully that solves the speed issues. I won't know until next month when I send my next mailing out, but if anyone finds it's resolved before then, please post!



New Member
I have found only three ways to make a Mac with 10.9 sending mails speedfull:

1) Move the mouse while sending mailings to prevent switching off the monitor (Power saving)
2) Select NEVER for Computer and Monitor in system settings - > Energie
3) Use a MacMini with PowerSavingSettings both to NEVER an do NOT connect a monitor.

All other cases with monitor connected in Power-Saving-Mode (Monitor ist Off) will slow down MaxBulkMailer to a few mailings per minute.

1) and 2) are of course not very usefull.

Or, go back to 10.8...

10.9 saves power by stop working ...


New Member
Alpino - have you tried selecting "Prevent App Nap" in the Get Info window for MaxBulk Mailer? Any results, pro or con?


New Member
Turning off App Nap for Mailer definitely worked. 4500 emails again takes less than 40 minutes, with App Nap it was taking twice as long.

I still have the crashing problem when editing though!


I've also noticed that it slows way down or even completely pauses a send if you minimize the running app to the background under Mavericks. Under previous Mac OSX versions minimizing the app during a bulk send did not slow down the delivery at all.

It also won't keep the computer from falling asleep if still sending, so have had to adjust the energy setting s to never sleep so my bulk delivery will finish.