Lost part of my master email list!!


New Member
I had a really important master list of about 24,000 email addresses to check against when emailing new potential clients(to make sure they hadn't been emailed already). I was in the middle of saving the file when the the program crashed. Now when I open it there's only 8,500 addresses in the list! I'm frantically trying to figure something out. Is there a saved log file of it or something I can access and restore?

Please help!


Staff member
Lists are also saved to all documents. If you already saved documents just open last one and save the list.


New Member
I don't understand what you mean? When I'm done with a file I just hit save and close it. I never save the lists separately, it doesn't ask me. Does that mean there's nothing I can do? Please be very specific if there is...



Staff member
As I said in my previous post, lists are also saved to your documents. Open a document and switch to the 'List' panel and you will understand what I mean. As I also said in my previous post "If you already saved documents just open last one and save the list." <---- That is the solution to your problem.


New Member
Well if you mean go to the "recipients" tabs and select the list from the drop down menu, this list isn't in there at all. Not sure if this is what you mean, but as I said before, it never asked me to save these separately. I just save the main file and it closes.


Staff member
No, I did not say that. I said, open a previous saved document and switch to the 'Recipients' panel. Your list should be there. No need to select anything. This is MaxBulk Mailer default behavior. That behavior can of course be changed from the preferences.