List History Disappeared!

Today I contacted ISP. My list is true opt-in, but some complaints causing my single email to be blocked at the ISP level. ISP, after sending them our email, said we are good and released the block, now and in the future. However...

All I did was clear the x-marks for the recipients, write in the ISP address using the plus symbol, went back to start sending again and I do not see the sent symbol or any other unsubscribe information that was automatically entered by MLM, from email response!

How do I continue from the half-sent original list with the proper unsubscribe material? I do not want to start sending until I have the half used list before I sent the sample to my ISP.

I have saved all of my email response in a separate folder, but I do not know which were already sent successfully.


Staff member
I am nor sure to understand. Are you using a MLM remote list? You say un-subscription doesn't work? Can you clarify? What do you call 'x-marks'. Are you adding locally addresses to a remote list?
We needed to send a test email to our ISP. We unchecked all the recipients on our list, then added the email of our support ISP. When we rechecked our recipients our history of who we sent our email to was gone.

We have MLM on our website, within the actual site folder, which is hosted by our ISP. Is there a way to get the history back?

Maybe I can send you the png, screen shot of our website from Fetch, but we do not know how with this. Anyway, it has folders:
by_delivery; by_recipient; html; imports folders.

Then index.html which has 743 bytes; Then a lists folder; then lm_functions.php which has 108.6kb; then lm_prefs.php; lm_queries.php, 13.2 kb; then lm_readme.webloc 112 bytes; then lm_settings.php1.8 kb; then lm_strings.php 76.9 kb; then lm.php of 64.3 KB.

I can list the remaining folders if that would help.

So, about a third of our parent list was emailed, but now there are not the paper airplane on any people.

Thanks. (Maybe time machine?)


Staff member
We needed to send a test email to our ISP. We unchecked all the recipients on our list, then added the email of our support ISP. When we rechecked our recipients our history of who we sent our email to was gone.
When uncheck and check back an entry you reset its delivery status to 'Unsent'.
We have MLM on our website, within the actual site folder, which is hosted by our ISP. Is there a way to get the history back?
MLM has nothing to do with sending emails. The history is on your computer. Using it is explained here.
Excellent. Back to normal. Thanks.

We should have known unchecking wipes out history. If there are others like me, maybe a warning that unchecking destroys list's history.

Delivery is now going again after connection logs dragged to list.