link an image


New Member
I would like to know if it is possible to insert an image in the message, and once introduced, how to link the image to a website.

Thank you very much


Staff member
You can embed online pictures to Styled text with the following code:

<img src="PICTURE_URL_HERE">

<img src="">

or in case you want also a link to a page:

<a href="URL_HERE"><img src="PICTURE_URL_HERE" border="0"></a>

<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


New Member
Thank you, but I have a jpg file in the message, and I want the people who receive my email, to go to a website by just clicking on the image! So link that file inside the message to a website

Thanks again


Staff member
You can embed inline pictures to Styled text with the following code:


or in case you want also a link to a page:

<a href="LINK_URL_HERE">{File:"PICTURE_NAME_HERE"}</a>


New Member
Sorry, maybe I am not being clear in english...

If I attach a file to the message (a jpg file) and I want to link this file to a website. How can I do it?

Normally, with outlook or with some other programs I am testing like yours, you have the option to link whatever you put on the message (like an image) so you simply attach the image, and even in the preview, you select the image with a simple click, and you link it to a website....

Is it possible to do it in this program?

Thank you in advance again!


Staff member
Yes, it is:

<a href="LINK_URL_HERE">{File:"PICTURE_NAME_HERE"}</a>

LINK_URL_HERE = The web page to link to.
PICTURE_NAME_HERE = The attached picture.


New Member
I would not use this variation of setting a link in a photo. Since it will not be clickable and not visible to the user. For a frequent person just looks at the picture and scroll further without opening the photo.