line breaks not preserved


New Member
I'm using Plain Text and have Tags for optional content. If the recipient has content, it fills it in, and if not, it should be blank. That part works fine, it's the message that is received that I have a question about.

Layout in MaxBulk (6.3 Pro):

Additional Contestants: (if applicable)

Contestant Name: [ContestantName_B]
Contestant Number: [ContestantNum_B]

Contestant Name: [ContestantName_C]
Contestant Number: [ContestantNum_C]

I am projecting your video should be completed within 30 days from the date of the pageant.

If there is content in ContestantName/Num_C:

Additional Contestants: (if applicable)

Contestant Name: Contestant Number:
Contestant Name: TestingName
Contestant Number: 1

I am projecting your video should be completed within 30 days from the date of the pageant.

If there is no content in either B or C:

Additional Contestants: (if applicable)

Contestant Name: Contestant Number:
Contestant Name: Contestant Number:
I am projecting your video should be completed within 30 days from the date of the pageant.

Is there a way to preserve the WYSIWYG layout I see in MaxBulk if those fields don't contain content?

Edit: Apparently the forum doesn't like the word v_i_d_e_o, it's got an asterisk in the post. :)


New Member
stanbusk said:
No, I mean the message itself inside MaxBUlk Mailer.

Not sure I'm following. It's plain text as far as I can tell. Is there some setting I should be checking for format? The content of the message in the Message body tab is what you are asking? Beyond the drop down Format setting of Plain Text, I'm not sure what I should be looking at to answer your question.



New Member
I have the same question. I'll post my code to see if it passes through the message board.

<IF [[Built]] <> "">
Our records show your home was built in [Built].
Our records do not show a construction date for your home.

More text...

If the ELSE statement applies, the "Our records" text runs into the "More text..." so I get:

Our records do not show a construction date for your home.More text...

Is there code for a new line or a hard return?


Staff member
Ok, I have made a modification so you will be able to use '\r' without quotes to insert line breaks. For example you could use:
<IF [[Opt1]] <> "">
Our records show your home was built in [Built].
Our records do not show a construction date for your home.\r
More text...

That will be available in the next version, in about two weeks.


New Member
stanbusk said:
Ok, I have made a modification so you will be able to use '\r' without quotes to insert line breaks. For example you could use:
<IF [[Opt1]] <> "">
Our records show your home was built in [Built].
Our records do not show a construction date for your home.\r
More text...

That will be available in the next version, in about two weeks.

Glad to see this bug (maybe not bug, but a change anyways) has been found. I ended up making two mailers, one for additional contestants, and one for single contestants, since the formatting wouldn't work.