Just a thought


New Member
The merge and batch facilities changes are very welcome.
I find this facility very useful.

Scheduler details
One of the problems I had with the Scheduler was that was no indication of the payee for scheduled payments. As an example, I donate to a number of charities and I used the Donations category but because the payee is not listed in the Scheduler I could not differentiate between the different scheduled payments when looking at the Scheduler summary. So I changed the targets to the charity names but now I cannot do a comprehensive report for donations. It would be helpful If the payee was included in the Scheduler summary.

Pre-posted transactions
It would be nice to have the OPTION to only show pre-posted transactions relative to the Accounts selector. If All Accounts selected, all pre-posted items would be shown.
If only 1 Account selected, then only relevant pre-posted transactions would appear.
That is, where the transaction has a Origin or Target Account that matches the selection.

Searching Lists
You have a number of lists; Accounts, Categories, Scheduler etc.
In any other program I use one has to scroll down to find an entry when the list is long. This is the same with iCash.
The difference is that there is normally a shortcut.
Usually it is simply typing the first letter of the item.
If there are multiple entries with the same first letter then pressing the same letter again moves one down the list of items with that first letter.

Just a thought.

Thank you!


Staff member
Scheduler details
One of the problems I had with the Scheduler was that was no indication of the payee for scheduled payments. As an example, I donate to a number of charities and I used the Donations category but because the payee is not listed in the Scheduler I could not differentiate between the different scheduled payments when looking at the Scheduler summary. So I changed the targets to the charity names but now I cannot do a comprehensive report for donations. It would be helpful If the payee was included in the Scheduler summary.
It will be added as soon as possible.

Pre-posted transactions
It would be nice to have the OPTION to only show pre-posted transactions relative to the Accounts selector. If All Accounts selected, all pre-posted items would be shown.
If only 1 Account selected, then only relevant pre-posted transactions would appear.
That is, where the transaction has a Origin or Target Account that matches the selection.
This is a bug actually. We will fix that.

Searching Lists
You have a number of lists; Accounts, Categories, Scheduler etc.
In any other program I use one has to scroll down to find an entry when the list is long. This is the same with iCash.
The difference is that there is normally a shortcut.
Usually it is simply typing the first letter of the item.
If there are multiple entries with the same first letter then pressing the same letter again moves one down the list of items with that first letter.
Ok, I take note.