iPhone client planned?


Staff member
No hablamos nunca de futuros desarrollos. Que finalmente este disponible iCash para iPhone se sabrá el día que lo este. Siento decirlo así pero es que así es. Ya hemos entendido perfectamente la demanda.


New Member

Tienes razón de que es un error hablar de futuros desarrollos, pero el día que lo hagas... por favor avisanos! Eso sí, amigo ese día te vas hacer rico :D


New Member
To admin. Could you please translate initial España posts and your answers into English, as far as you know this language? It is not polite to talk double Dutch in social palces :)


New Member
By the way, how many developers do you have in MaxProgs? Maybe it is time to extend your staff to hasten development process and increase your competitiveness, 'cause so many people are awaiting only for Mobile Version of iCash not only for iPhone, but for Windows Mobile too, to invest in you work by purchasing your products?


Staff member
This is not the question. I am waiting for a set of libraries to port the code that could be used in such version. Right now we would have to create a whole new version with new tools, a different language and other SQL engine. It could take months.