Invalid from header


New Member
Hi everyone,
I downloaded the trial version of maxbulkmailer in order to run few tests before I buy it.
I have no problem to create fancy html mails but when I hit "send" after I got all the sender options ok, it says:

[01] 1/22 22:45:10 --> Connecting socket [1] with 1 entries to Port:25
[01] 1/22 22:45:11 ~ Status: Connected
[01] 1/22 22:45:30 220 ESMTP Service
[01] 1/22 22:45:30 > HELO []
[01] 1/22 22:45:33 250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 1/22 22:45:33 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 1/22 22:45:38 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]>... Sender ok
[01] 1/22 22:45:38 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 1/22 22:45:38 250 2.1.5 <[email protected]>... Recipient ok
[01] 1/22 22:45:39 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 1/22 22:45:39 556 5.1.0 Invalid From header.
[01] 1/22 22:45:39 ~ Status: Stage 3 dispatch done [2/1]
[01] 1/22 22:45:39 > QUIT
[01] 1/22 22:45:40 221 2.0.0 closing connection
[01] 1/22 22:45:40 ~ Status: Stage 4 dispatch done [2/1]
[00] 1/22 22:45:40 ~ Status: [-????]
[00] 1/22 22:45:40 ~ Status: Closing all streams
[00] 1/22 22:45:40 ~ Status: Creating report...
[00] 1/22 22:45:40 ~ Status: Sending report...
[01] 1/22 22:45:40 --> Connecting socket [1] with 1 entries to Port:25
[01] 1/22 22:45:40 ~ Status: Connected
[01] 1/22 22:45:43 220 ESMTP Service
[01] 1/22 22:45:43 > HELO []
[01] 1/22 22:45:44 250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 1/22 22:45:44 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 1/22 22:45:46 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]>... Sender ok
[01] 1/22 22:45:46 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 1/22 22:45:46 250 2.1.5 <[email protected]>... Recipient ok
[01] 1/22 22:45:46 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 1/22 22:45:47 556 5.1.0 Invalid From header.
[01] 1/22 22:45:47 ~ Status: Stage 3 dispatch done [2/1]
[01] 1/22 22:45:47 > QUIT
[01] 1/22 22:45:47 221 2.0.0 closing connection
[01] 1/22 22:45:47 ~ Status: Stage 4 dispatch done [2/1]
[00] 1/22 22:45:47 ~ Status: [-????]
[00] 1/22 22:45:47 ~ Status: Finishing...

État de livraison MaxBulk Mailer [#4] - 22/01/07

Version logiciel: 5.1-FR (230) FR Non enregistré
Système/vitesse: Mac OS 10.4.7/1.8Ghz

Connexions: 5 [Utilisée(s): 1] Serveur unique
Méthode de livraison: Séparément (Traitement des étiquettes activé)

Adresse serveur SMTP: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Authentification: Aucune | []
Groupes: 10 [Intervalle: Aucun]

Date début livraison: 22/01/07 à 22:45:10
Date fin: 22/01/07 à 22:45:40
Durée totale: 30 seconde(s) - Tentatives: 0/10
Cadence: 0,03 destinataire(s)/seconde

À un total de: 1 destinataire(s) [1/1]
Envoyé(s): 0
Échoué(s): 1 non livré(s) [Connexion fermée par le serveur]
Erreurs: 1

Objet su message: Sainte Cecile en concert
Priorité: Normale
Accusé de réception: Non
Format: HTML seul [ISO-8859-1]
Taille: 1,13 Ko (Pièces jointes non incluses)
Pièces jointes: Aucune

[00] 1/22 22:45:47 ~ Status: Finished.

Here it is, there's only one recipient (myself) and he keeps telling me "invalid from header".

HELP ME PLEEEZZ, I'm desperate and I have an event coming....


Staff member
Have you tried to authenticate? I think you are not granted to send your message because you have not authenticated first.


New Member
I use my .MAC account to send mail through and it doesn't require authentification. Do you think I should set up my .MAC pop authentification in order to have running? I will try that and come back to you later.