installed . . . now what?


okay a pretty basic question but one that's left out of the various on-line documentation: after a good install then what?

i assume i upload my recipient list

then . . . what?

is there a front end or something created? i see the templates for subscribing, but i can't really see anything else that i can open online.

how do i manage the database, see clicks, etc. etc.?

sorry for the basic question, but the docs leave off after it says:

Make sure the URL is correct, you can for example copy and paste it to your browser. You should get a ‘Error – You forgot to provide the command parameter: &cmd=command’ error. That means the link is OK.

my link is OK, but i'm not sure where to take it from there.


Staff member
The front-end is MaxBulk Mailer. Paste the lm.php URL to MaxBulk Mailer preferences and activate the click-through tracking. Then you can access the MLM lists by selecting 'Remote Lists' from the list pull-down menu, upload the lists to MLM selecting the 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' menu, get click-through statistics clicking on the 'Statistics' menu...and so on...

Here is some very interesting explanation from the doc.:
MLM stands for Mailing List Manager. To make things simple let’s say it is the online part of MaxBulk Mailer. Indeed it does all what MaxBulk Mailer can’t do by itself. MaxBulk Mailer is a desktop application you run when you need it and quit once you are finished. MLM however is a script running on your web site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. MaxBulk Mailer takes advantage of MLM to perform tasks and to offer services that require full time availability. Imagine you were to maintain your computer with MaxBulk Mailer running indefinitely at home or at the office. This is simply inconceivable, hopefully you don’t have to do that since MLM run on a web server and web servers are always running!

MLM installation is optional, yet it adds two important services to MaxBulk Mailer. On one hand it offers the possibility to maintain lists on your web site allowing your visitors to subscribe or unsubscribe from any of them. On the other hand it adds the possibility to find out what happens to a message once it leaves your computer, if it has been opened by a recipient or if a recipient has clicked on a link.

MLM fully integrates with MaxBulk Mailer. Once you have installed MLM on your server and set your subscribe page, everything else is handled transparently. Actually if you did not have to install MLM to your server you would never have heard about it.


OK, I did all that.

I then created a list of recipients and selected "upload to MLM." I got the blue progress bars and no error messages. However, the recipient list was not uploaded. It is not available as a "remote list."

A sql database was created, with a single table (tbl_mlm_sub_clk), but the table is empty.

I run my own server -- apache 2 and php 5 -- so I can configure as necessary.

I will try a manual upload via the php script, but my concern is that the MaxBulk front end is not talking to the sql database properly, so clicktracking, etc may not work properly even if I can upload the list.

My list has 15,000 recipients.


Also, I see in the docs some reference to a $10 MLM "pro" upgrade . . . and how uploading is only available to "pro" users. I just bought MaxBulk Pro. Is there an upgrade to MLM pro? If so, where? I can't find any way to upgrade on your site.


OK, paid the $10 and the download is identical to the files already in place. You might want to make that a little clear in your docs . . .

Anyway, I was able to get the list to upload by reinstalling MLM and keeping the default permissions.

I can access the remote list and send.


1. I cannot subscribe or unsubscribe, either using the direct command or the html templates. Either way, I get a blank screen with a blue line in it.

2. When an address is added/deleted in MaxBulk, how do I sync the changes to the sql db?


well, figured this out on my own: the lm_strings.php file was not in the lm folder after a standard install.

i had to add it by hand.

sort of feeling like i'm beta testing this product.


Staff member
No, it is not a beta product. MLM is a rock solid PHP script result of two years of hard work and frequent updates to make it as best as possible. Now, if you do not install it properly, it will not work. The 'lm_strings.php' has to be in the 'lm' folder with the other php files. It contains all the strings used by the application. When you install MLM you upload a a folder, the contents and organization of this folder is important.


okay, but my point was lm_strings.php did not upload during the install, and that's a bug i had to figure that out myself

anyway, no problem. i like maxbulk a lot and am looking forward to using the sql integration.

but as others have mentioned, the documentation could be better.


Staff member
This is the documentation page that has 4 parts "Main Page | User Guide | FAQ | Forum" and that same pages and the install dialog also links to this tutorial. Can you tell me with details what would you add to the documentation?


Stan --

I read all that. One of the problems is the docs for MLM are scattered about your website in no clear order. There are several pages that deal with MLM. The user has to more or less track them down. For example, I still don't know the difference between MLM and MLM Pro. I don't know if I need Pro. I paid an additional $10 for the download, but it is identical to what was in the MaxBulk "goodies" folder.

I'd say the tutorial on installing is very good. I did have a problem with the installation, however, when following the instructions a necessary file was not uploaded to my server. Apart from that installation was easy.

From there I had to figure things out on my own. Several others on the forum have said as much. I'd like to see clearer instructions about how to implement MLM with MaxBulk, how to use the various commands listed in the materials, how to customize it for use, how to use click tracking, etc. For example, I had to figure out on my own how the various upload actions work -- the real world differences between append, overwrite, update, etc. -- by experimentation.

So far I've been impressed. I'm migrating from phplist, an open source project. I haven't sent out a big mailing yet but will report back.


Staff member
Ok. I take note. I have added some information to each of your notes in case it can help you or anybody else that may read this post.
One of the problems is the docs for MLM are scattered about your website in no clear order.
All the documentation is in one place: here. This page is the main MLM page. From here you can go to the other parts clicking on the the links on the left: "Main Page | User Guide | FAQ | Forum. There is no other doc except a tutorial on Maxprog blog about the MLM installation. You can access this blog entry from lots of places including from MaxBulk Mailer built-in MLM installer clicking one the 'Help' button.
For example, I still don't know the difference between MLM and MLM Pro.
The Pro version supports list imports and in a future it will also support a web browser as the front-end.
when following the instructions a necessary file was not uploaded to my server.
I guess your server returned an error when the installer tried to upload the file. The installer is a recursive file uploader I wrote myself, there were some problems when I first release it but right now it is quite stable. That doesn't mean it is perfect.
I'd like to see clearer instructions about how to implement MLM with MaxBulk
Actually the only thing you have to do is to paste the MLM URL to the preferences and activate (or not) the click-tracking system. Then in MaxBulk Mailer everything that has to do with MLM is transparent and menus use to use either the word 'Remote' or 'MLM' to let you know about it, except the Statistics. Statistics=MLM Click-Through tracking.
How to use the various commands listed in the materials, how to customize it for use, how to use click tracking, etc.
You don't have to use any command at all. MaxBulk Mailer do all the work for you. The manual provide the list of commands is case you need to use a custom solution.
For example, I had to figure out on my own how the various upload actions work -- the real world differences between append, overwrite, update, etc. -- by experimentation.
This is because the MaxBulk Mailer v7 manual has not been released yet. Current manual is previous to MLM. As a result there are some new features that are not covered at all. The new manual is on the way.


Ok, that's all good.

Quick question: I bought MBM Pro -- is MLM Pro included in that installation?

I ended up buying the $10 MLM Pro download anyway. Was that a mistake? After buying it I saw no difference in the files, so I did not upload the Pro version of MLM to my server. Should I?


Staff member
Yes, you gave me a great tip since MaxBulk Mailer comes with MLM Pro. I can refund the purchase if you want.