installed mlm succesfull, but how can I create a Unsubscribe


New Member
Dear Forum,

I think I installed mlm succesfull, because I can connect to the URL and I see some "statistics", o.k.

I try now really long time to find out, how to create an Unsubscribe-Button in my test-email, what I send with Bulk-Mailer, but can't find how?

Did you know how to create These button?



Staff member
Re: installed mlm succesfull, but how can I create a Unsubsc

Use the [Unsubscribe] tag.


New Member
Re: installed mlm succesfull, but how can I create a Unsubsc

Hello stanbusk,

thanks for your help.
You Point me the way: [Unsubscribe] does not work but the german word [Abmelden] works!

Please tell me how can I avoide the long URL ( "") in my email if I use the tag [Unsubscribe] ?

Please also tell me how can I add Picture in my email? If I use "<img border="0" src="logo-26022013-8-klein-test.jpg" width="250" height="63">" to insert a Picture in my email, the email cant Show it?

Thanks a lot


Staff member
Re: installed mlm succesfull, but how can I create a Unsubsc

To avoid big links use the Styled Text format.

Your HTML code to insert a picture is correct but you have to use an absolute URL.