Installed MLM on new server, cant synchronize existing list


New Member
Dear all,

I have uses Max Bulk and MLM on a certain server and closed that server to use it on a new server. That means:

1. I installed MLM automatically on the new server (FTP ok, all files and myswl installed, can log-in at interface)

2. I changed the preferences to the new site.

Now the problem:

3. I have several lists in the Max Bulk programm at my Macintosh. Now I want t synchronize them onto the server. But I cannot do this. I tried to create the lists with the same names on the server (OK), but i Cannot upload a list - there is not any entry in the list-menu of the servers lists. In red there is a hint: "Error #103: invalid URL" (in German...).

4. If I am in the composing mode and got to the tab "subscribers" (German: Empfänger) and change to another list (on my Mac) then there pops a window up that says: "Error # 104: invalid URL" with an URL hinting at my new server.

It seems the parameters are not valid like "list=...." and "listid=..." As I cannot change hee anything - how can I update/synchronize this in order to make everything working correctly?

Kind regards,


New Member
Re: Installed MLM on new server, cant synchronize existing l

Sorry - solved!

It was - yet - a wrong URL that I had overlooked before... Everthing is working as used to...