Insert image in a styled text message?


New Member
I am creating a message using the styled text format, which I understand is converted to html upon sending.

Can I include an inline image in this message by using an <IMG SRC="image.jpg"> command referring to an attached image?

Can I include alignment tags as well?




New Member
I suppose the preview in a web browser is accurate, despite how it appears in the preview panel?

How will MaxBulk mailer render a message that was created as styled text with inline images (converted to html for sending) if the receiver's email program is not set to accept html mail?




Staff member
Yes, the preview panel is right now Text only.

A styled text message with inline picture is rendered as MHTML. It is a MIME multipart message with the pictures encoded in Base64. This message contains a plain text version is case the recipient mail reader is not HTML ready. Note that nowadays a lot of messages are sent in HTML. I guess if somebody rejects all HTML messages it will reject a lot of mail. I think 2 or 3 years ago it was a good solution, not today.


New Member
I think 2 or 3 years ago it was a good solution, not today.

Got it - that was my assumption as well, but the online manual seemed to make a bigger issue of this question.

Thanks for dealing with all of my queries.
