Incorrect "Unsubscribe" link since MaxBulkMailer 7.7


Hi Stan,

sorry to bother you again, but after having solved the MLM problem a new one occured. MaxBulkMailer seems to construct the "Unsubscribe" link incorrectly. I have sent out a newsletter, and people trying to unsubscribe with via the link they get an error, saying that they try to unsubscribe from a list named "Externe Listen" which does not exist.
I tried to send out the same document with MaxBulkMailer 6.4 and everything worked as it should.

Here are the links:
MaxBulkMailer 6.4: ... JlCW5vCW5v

MaxBulkMailer 6.7: ... lubwlubw==



Staff member
To add an unsubscribe link you have to use the [Unsubscribe] tag. It is available in the list of tags. For the Styled Text and HTML format you can set the text that will be used in the link from the preferences. If for example you set the text to 'here' you can use the following text:
If you don't want to receive more emails from use just click [Unsubscribe].


Hi Stan,
that's just what I did. But MaxBulkMailer 7.7 produces a wrong link. Both links in my previous post were made that way, the one with 7.4 is correct, the other one not.
It's the same document sent to the same mailing list, just with two program versions.



Staff member
Do you have a list selected in the Recipients panel? I mean a selection in the list pull-down menu.


Staff member
Ok, lets start again. Launch MaxBulk Mailer, select 'Styled Text' and insert the unsubscribe tag into the message. Then on the recipients panel select 'Remote Lists' and check the remote list you want to use. The go to the preview and click on the unsubscribe link. What do you get?


Hi Stan,
I just sent you two E-Mails made exactly in the same way.

Just have a look at these two versions.
I now have to go to a meeting. May be, we can discuss the thing tomorrow.

Thank you for your support.



Even in the preview window the result is the same.

In 7.7 it doesn't show the marked list but "Externe Listen", the German version of "Remote Lists".

In 7.4 everything is ok.




Staff member
I don't understand the reason of that behavior on your machine. It simply works for me as usual. There is something you are doing or a setting that is different from me.


Hi Stan,

I have still no clue what could be the reason. Today I tried a "clean install" of MB 7.7, but this brought no change.

The crazy thing is that MBM 7.4 and 7.7 use the same set of preferences and application support data. I don't have a copy of 7.6 at hand, but I am quite sure that it would also run without problems.

The only thing I could imagine is a bug in the German localisation file. Although I am very short of time at the moment, please let me know when you need further information on this.



Staff member
It is not related to the german localization since I have another case with an english customers. He has posted to the forum as well, I believe in the MLM forum. I am waiting for more information that lets me reproduce the conditions here. Believe me, as the developer, I am really interested in being able to reproduce the problem here. As soon as I make it fail in front of me, I will fix the problem.


Hi Stan,

that's really weird, a problem you can't reproduce. I will look out for any hint and let you know.



New Member
Same thing is happening to me. I insert the unsubscribe tag, and when I go to Preview it I click the Unsubscribe link. Except the page that loads says:

Error: List not found
We're sorry, but the list 'Remote Lists' can not be found on this server....


Staff member
Ok, you are the third case so far. After one month after the first report nobody has been able to send me a step by step procedure to reproduce the problem here.


New Member
Not sure how exactly to go about doing a step by step... This is what I did:

I downloaded the MBM program for my PC and Mac from your website.

I tried to install MLM via MBM interface and the install froze on me so I had to abort and follow the manual instructions.

I set up a database with mySQL using GoDaddy shared linux hosting, mySQL version 5.0.

I went to the needed web address, to initialize the database: http://<script_path_here>/lm.php?cmd=init&pwd=password
and I used my real password in place of "password"

I went to the /lm/html/subscribe_single_fixed.php page and subscribed with my email. It sent me a confirmation email which I then clicked on the link to finish subscribing.

In the actual MBM program I entered in the correct info in the Preferences > General tab under the "Remote Lists" section.

I checked the box next to Click-through tracking and the drop down box next to it only allowed me to use Automatic.

I clicked out of Preferences.

In the main section I have Message tab selected and use Plain text, then I click the Tags dropdown box and select Unsubscribe and it enters [Unsubscribe] into the message body.

Then I click the Recipients tab and choose Remote Lists from the dropdown box.

It gives me a "Downloading..." message under the Send button at the top. Then I see my mailing list under List name. I select the check box and it brings up my 1 subscribed email address I used in earlier to subscribe.

I click on the Preview tab and it says: ... lubwl5ZXM=

I click on that link in the preview box and it says:

Error: List not found

We're sorry, but the list 'Remote Lists' can not be found on this server. Check the list name and try again. If the problem persists please contact us at [email protected].

Not sure what else to do. What is the procedure for completely deleting/uninstalling MBM/MLM and trying it again from scratch? Not sure if this is a database issue with GoDaddy hosting, or what...


Staff member
Thanks for the information PoDog and thanks for the video Prodrive. That gave me an idea, compare the 7.4 and 7.8 code related to the unsubscribe tag handling. After a couple of hours navigating thru the code I detected an inverted conditional statements that is correct is 7.4 but not in 7.8 so I fixed it and I have upload 7.8 again. Please download it and try.