Incorrect figures in overview screen


New Member
I have noticed a discrepancy in the amounts shown in the Overview screen. All transactions (only 4) for the account in question have been reconciled yet the Pending column shows a negative amount (-0.37) and the balance is therefore incorrect by that amount. How can this be corrected?


Staff member
Using current iCash v3.2, open your file and select the 'File | Tools | Check data' menu. It should fix any miscalculation issue.


Staff member
Have you used amount with more than the default number or decimals? Just in case, have you try to re-enter the amounts for those 4 transactions?


New Member
I use only the default 2 decimals. I tried deleting the 4 transactions and adding them afresh but the result is exactly the same - an error of -0.37 GBP.


Staff member
When you remove those 4 transactions you get 0 right? Including after running the data checking tool?


New Member
No, there is a 0.37 discrepancy between the balance and the reconciled amount. The amount shown in the Reconciled column exactly matches the Opening Balance for the account (as entered when setting up the account in Account Manager), while the Balance column shows 0.37 less than it should. This error is clearly just carried across when the transacations are added.


Staff member
There should be an error somewhere in one of your transactions. When you run the Data Checking tools, iCash simply recalculate totals using all transactions. If no error is detected and the 0.37 discrepancy remains it is because a transaction is causing it. Maybe a grouped transaction, a transaction in the future...


New Member
There are no transactions in this account - there were only four and they have all been deleted. There are no future scheduled transactions, either; there is only the opening balance - nothing else; yet the error is displayed in the Overview screen and running Tools/Check data shows 'No errors'.


Staff member
If there is no transactions it should display 0 as overview sums transactions. iCash only does simple sums. Could you send me that file?


New Member
Same problem

Have you found the solution for this problem ?

I have the same thing, everything reconcilied, sum of reconciliation correct but still 0.04 pending... weird.



New Member
Yes, I mailed my file to Stan (site admin) who kindly fixed it - turned out that the file was corrupt. This can happen as a result of a system crash or power failure while working though in my case I don't recall either of these happening. He exported the file as XML and then re-imported. I don't know if he had to do anything to the file inbetween nor if this is a general fix in case of file corruption. Maybe Stan would like to comment.


New Member
Good tip...

Thanks for the tip, I've made a new file with the xml export and it seems to work... I used the checkdata tool to fix everything and corrected the opening balance (that has changed during the xml export exactly the amount of the difference I had, maybe the problem could come from an opening balance bad displayed).


New Member
Oups !!!

I talked too fast...

I performed again a tools/checkdata and the error has come back !!! too bad...

So, Stanbusk, any other solution ?


New Member
I tried again with the latest version 3.2.1 (before I had the 3.2) but it doesn't change anything. I still have in the section "debt", categorie "mortgages" a pending of 0.04 € (my default account is in dollars but this one is in Euros) even if everything is reconcilied.
What I do in this account :
I put in what I reimburse to my french bank account each month and take the interest from here to put it in an another account in "expenses" (bank interestt).

I redid the calculation "in mano" and the 0.04 € shouldn't exist...

It's not the end of the world but it's not very clean either, especialy if it's going grow up... (thing that I don't know)

I hope you could help...

(I tried again to export in xml format and to import it as well but didn't work...)


New Member

One month on and the same error has returned. And it is by the same amount as before (0.37GBP). This time, I can absolutely confirm there have been no system crashes nor has iCash crashed on me. If the file was corrupt before and was fixed, how come the error has come back? This is a serious worry as I do not feel I can trust iCash to be correct.