Impossible to send anything


New Member

Until now, I used the trial version of this software, and my emails worked, with all the setups required.
On Monday, I decided to buy the complete version, because the limit of 100 emails was reached.

During the 100 emails of the trial version, everything was ok with my setups.
But, since I put the purchase code, it doesn't work anymore. According to the software :

"The server rejected your message because you did not authenticated. Check your account settings and try again.

You must authenticate with your server to send emails. Go to the panel "settings", select the ESMTP or POP then enter your username and password authentication."

And I have no changed my setups, they are the same...

So I don't understand, and I don't know how to find a solution...

Thanks in advance for your help.


Staff member
Is it possible your server has a temporary problem? Sometimes a busy server can reject an authentication.


New Member
Oh... It lasts for monday now...

I think that the software doesn't recognize anymore my login and my password of my email account, and that's a big problem, because all is correct...

Do you have a french phone number where I can meet someone to help me with my setups maybe wrong?

Hereunder is the delivery state:

[01] 6/27 09:55:29 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 6/27 09:55:29 ~ Connecting to for POP authentication...
[00] 6/27 09:55:33 [POP3 ERROR] 103 - Address invalid.
[01] 6/27 09:55:33 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[01] 6/27 09:55:33 ~ Connected
[01] 6/27 09:55:34 220 mwinf5d59 ME ESMTP server ready
[01] 6/27 09:55:34 > HELO []
[01] 6/27 09:55:34 250 mwinf5d59 hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 6/27 09:55:34 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 6/27 09:55:34 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 6/27 09:55:34 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/455]
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 550 5.1.1 Adresse d au moins un destinataire invalide. Invalid recipient. OFR204_418 [418]
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/455]
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 > EHLO []
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 250-mwinf5d59 hello [], pleased to meet you
250-SIZE 44000000
250 OK
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 > AUTH LOGIN
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 > [email protected]
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 6/27 09:55:35 > *********
[01] 6/27 09:55:36 550 5.7.0 Codes d authentification invalides. Invalid authentication credentials. OFR_305 [305]
[01] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ Relaying denied error, giving up!
[01] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ Fatal error, giving up!
[00] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ [-]
[00] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ Creating report...
[00] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ Finishing...
[00] 6/27 09:55:36 ~ Finished.

État de livraison MaxBulk Mailer [#29] - 27/06/2013

Version logiciel: 8.4.4-FR Pro - Enregistré
Système/vitesse: Windows Vista (SP1.0)/1.297Ghz

Connexions: 5 [Utilisée(s): 1] Serveur unique
Méthode de livraison: Séparément (Traitement des étiquettes activé)

Adresse serveur SMTP: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Authentification: POP | []
Adresse: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Groupes: 1 [Intervalle: 00:00:05]

Date début livraison: 27/06/2013 à 09:55:25
Date fin: 27/06/2013 à 09:55:36
Durée totale: 11 seconde(s) - Tentatives: 1000/10
Cadence: 0,09 destinataire(s)/seconde

À un total de: 455 destinataire(s) [455/516]
Nom liste: inconnu
Envoyé(s): 0
Échoué(s): 455 non livré(s) [Connexion fermée par le serveur]
Erreurs: 1

Objet su message: Promo Saison de la Piscine -10%
Priorité: Normale
R√©pondre √†: [email protected]
Erreurs: [email protected] (Consignataire)
Accusé de réception: Non
Format: Texte avec style | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Taille: 651 Octets (Pièces jointes non incluses)
Pièces jointes: 6 (1,9 Mo)
Codification: Base64

MLM: Suivi des clics sur les liens [Désactivé]


New Member
I just tried and I have the same problem.... :s
It's really disappointing when your trial version is ok, and just after buying the software, it doesn't work anymore...
What can we do so?


Staff member
The very only difference between the unregistered and the registered versions are:

- The text added to the outgoing messages
- The delivery limit of 100 recipients.

You have activated ESMTP, please send me the text you get in the delivery panel again.


New Member
Yeah I know the difference between both versions, and I know that the problem comes from elsewhere...

I tried once again, still the same window with the message "The server rejected your message because you did not authenticated. Check your account settings and try again.

You must authenticate with your server to send emails. Go to the panel "settings", select the ESMTP or POP then enter your username and password authentication.".

Here is the text I get in the delivery panel:

[01] 7/2 15:00:29 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 ~ Connected
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 220 mwinf5d42 ME ESMTP server ready
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 > EHLO []
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 250-mwinf5d42 hello [], pleased to meet you
250-SIZE 44000000
250 OK
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 > AUTH LOGIN
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 > [email protected]
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 7/2 15:00:29 > *********
[01] 7/2 15:00:30 550 5.7.0 Codes d authentification invalides. Invalid authentication credentials. OFR_305 [305]
[01] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ Relaying denied error, giving up!
[01] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ Fatal error, giving up!
[00] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ [-]
[00] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ Creating report...
[00] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ Finishing...
[00] 7/2 15:00:30 ~ Finished.

État de livraison MaxBulk Mailer [#34] - 02/07/2013

Version logiciel: 8.4.4-FR Pro - Enregistré
Système/vitesse: Windows Vista (SP1.0)/1.297Ghz

Connexions: 5 [Utilisée(s): 1] Serveur unique
Méthode de livraison: Séparément (Traitement des étiquettes activé)

Adresse serveur SMTP: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Authentification: ESMTP (Login) | []
Groupes: 1 [Intervalle: 00:00:10]

Date début livraison: 02/07/2013 à 15:00:19
Date fin: 02/07/2013 à 15:00:30
Durée totale: 10 seconde(s) - Tentatives: 1000/10
Cadence: 0,10 destinataire(s)/seconde

À un total de: 455 destinataire(s) [455/516]
Nom liste: inconnu
Envoyé(s): 0
Échoué(s): 455 non livré(s) [Connexion fermée par le serveur]
Erreurs: 1

Objet su message: Promo Saison de la Piscine -10%
Priorité: Normale
R√©pondre √†: [email protected]
Erreurs: [email protected] (Consignataire)
Accusé de réception: Non
Format: Texte avec style | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Taille: 651 Octets (Pièces jointes non incluses)
Pièces jointes: 6 (1,9 Mo)
Codification: Base64

MLM: Suivi des clics sur les liens [Désactivé]


Thank you for trying to help me.


Staff member
Your server responds that your authentication data is not correct, check your User ID and/or password.


New Member
I knew that. I checked several time to be really really sure and they are well my correct User ID and password.

And once again, at the beginning, it was ok with the SAME settings...


New Member
I mean during the 100 emails of the trial version, everything was ok with my authentication, and since I bought the complete version, my authentication doesn't match with the system...

I tried to change settings, I tried to type my password in another place to see what I'm writting, and to copy paste the password (even if it was the same...). I even tried to do without authentication. I can't do anything...


Staff member
The demo and the registered version are the same thing. Have you asked your server? Maybe the yhave changed something.


New Member
My server is a national French server and everywhere, they give the same pop and smtp adresses.
Once again I KNOW that the trial version and the complete version are the same. The problem comes from elsewhere, but I don't know where and I don't know how to solve it.

Can we join by phone a French assistance? And just in case we can't solve the problem, can we get money back if Maxprog cancel our key license?