Importing from a Paypal Acct - HELP!!


New Member
Hi, I'm trying to import into iCash from my Paypal acct. I have tried the .qif and it works ok, however, Paypal doesn't include all of the fields that I need in the file.
I can download my Paypal history as a .csv file and everything I need is there. Now how do I get this into iCash?? I would like to have 1 entry for each Paypal transaction, then be able to expand that transaction by clicking on the small triangle to the left of the date to expand the record and show me all of the fields.

Has anyone imported a Paypal history into iCash, is there a special way that I need to set up the Categories, Accounts, etc?? I've tried following the suggestions on the iCash website, but just can't seem to get it.

Thanks for any help...



New Member
Thanks, but that is the part that I don't understand.

For instance:

My .csv file has the following column headers:

Date, Name, Subject, Gross, Fee, Net <then about 20 more columns>

The data below this is about 500 records.

So if the default Categories are Name & Type - then what part of the .csv does that equate to?? Also, what are the accounts, if that gets imported next. I would imagine that after these 2 get set up the transaction import would just be a matter of matching the columns on the left to the columns onthe righ and importing. Is that correct??



Staff member
Yes. You have to match columns. iCash can't import all the data you have though. PayPal files contain a lot of columns.


New Member
Do I change the column names in Excel? Can I then only import the 'default''s in iCash? For instance has only Name and Type for Category - do I rename two of the many columns in Excel to Name and Type??


New Member
So if I have a .csv with the following data:

Date, Name, Subject, Gross, Fee, Net
5/11/06,John Doe,Boots,9.75,0.25,9.50
5/10/06,Mary Jane,Purse,15.00,1.00,14.00

What would be the steps to get this entered into a fresh data file in iCash?? I would want them to go into the default Checking Account.



Staff member
It is 'Date', 'Transaction type', 'Origin Account', 'Target Accoun't, 'Payee/Issuing', 'Comment' and 'Amount'. Only 'Origin Account', 'Target Account' and 'Amount' are required. You can insert blank columns for the data you don't have.


New Member
duh, ok I figured it out.

My excel file was putting a $ in front of all of the amounts. iCash would then ignore every line and never import anything. I was doing the rest correctly, but it was the presence of the $ that prevented the import.