importing CSV problem date valour


New Member
Hi there,

I have a estrange situation when importing CSV into icash.
It seem it recognizes all my data and the importation works but the date add +2 days automatically.

my CSV contains 13/10/10 and it appear in icash as 15/10/10
the same with the rest movements I want to import.

Please kindly help!

Many thanks


New Member
Yes, I have the same format in both.
I´m a mac use, the date format is 2/11/2010
on my CSV file the same format as well.

If you have any other question, please let me know.

many thanks!


Staff member
Weird, if the date format is identical in the OS, the file and iCash, I don't know why you get that difference :-/ Are the separator '/' in all places as well?


New Member
yes the separator are in all the places as well. each column have own valor.
The CSV i created in office 2008 for mac and I´m running snow leopard updated.


Staff member
Open the file with free TextWrangler. You will see the encoding on the window status bar.


Staff member
The encoding seems correct but try to change it to Mac Roman and try the import again.


New Member
following your instructions of the format text I created a new file in Numbers and exported to CSV format.
Now Icash have imported perfectly!

Many thanks for your support!!