Import Transactions without result


New Member
Some days ago i downloaded iCash and i wanted to check out if the program can help us with managing our club-finances.
So far i haven't registered and when opening a file i am informed that i'll be limited to 100 transactions.

To create a file i used the template "privathaushalt" ( german version, obviously )

Now i tried to import transactions from my bancaccount and encountered some problems:

My banc seems not to support OFX or QFX files.
The best i could get is a file with the ending .csv
When exporting it says that the information will be
seperated by ","

Now i have tried different ways to import the file. The best seems to be to use the import button at the top of the panel. Then i chose the option "text" and "transactions"

When i chose "comma" as deliminator, the next window after chosing th .csv file i can use the arrows to the right and the left to view different transactions ( and they show correctly ).

Then i hit the "import" button and a small window with a completion-bar shows up shortly and after that i can't see any imported transaction.

( i tried another route using the menu item "import" and chosing "kontoauszug". in field "3-Data" it again shows the correct information. field "4-rules" i don't understand and field "5-transactions" is empty. Hitting the import button leads to the same result as the previous described attempt )

so i am confused and have some questions:

1 - is this because the unregistered version doesn't allow to import transactions?

2 - i did read the manual which i downloaded together with the program, but it doesn't really help me. is there more information available?


p.s.: i am using an apple Mac Book Pro,Mac OS X 10.5.7, Icash 6.6.2 DE and i am trying to import from the Dutch ING banc.


Staff member
The way to go is using 'kontoauszug'. '4-rules' are the rules for importing the transactions. A rule is a conditional that uses the transaction comment.

Do you mean you get nothing when you click on 'Preview' button?

This has nothing to do with the fact you are suing a demo.


New Member
if i press the preview button i don't get anything.

i assumed i would see something in the box 5 - transactions, but it stays empty.
( i didn't put any rules, is that necessary to get a result when hitting "review"?)


Staff member
You have to set some rules or at least set the default origin and target account. Also make sure you are lining-up you file fields with iCash fields properly.


New Member
aha, i am one step further:
the deliminator of the year-month-date was not set according to the file - i missed that one.

know i do have results with the preview.
