Import problem


New Member
I am trying to import a .csv file from my payment software into icash.
After clicking the import button I chose the statement option. This gives me a new page where I set: Import settings, get the data organized (in window 3. Data) then I try preview, but nothing happens. There does not seem to be any way of completing the import process. Under 4. Rules, do I need to do something? What are these rules for?
Thank you for helping.


Staff member
Rules are the most important thing of this window. With no rules you have no data to import. Use rules to set target/origin accounts based on the transaction comment. I hope your transactions have comments, right?


New Member
Well I have to admit I didn't know I was that retarded! Tried 100 times with no luck. Here is what I did:
Hit import button
Tried both Account statement and plain text
Lets continue by using Acct statement
Click import
Chose the file which is LEU.csv (this is a money transfer from my ck acct with Bank XYZ into my Wells Fargo acct)
Click open
In 3-Data the file looks like 10000.00;wells fargo;22/12/2011
I then under 2-Setting put the field delimiter to semicolon and leave the Date format Day.Month.Year (iCash in in that format)
In 3-Data it looks like this:
10000.00 Date
wells fargo Transaction type
22/12/2011 Origin account

By dragging the target fields I change this to:
10000.00 Amount (in/out)
wells fargo Target account
22/12/2011 Date

Now I start to be confuse: on the line below you have Bank account and Default target. I put in Bank XYZ for the Bank account and wells fargo as default target. I also tried other options without luck.

If I now hit preview, under 5-Transaction I get:
01.09.02 wells fargo (under origin account) and nothing under amount.

I then change Origin account to Bank XYZ
Target account to wells fargo
Payee to wells fargo
Amount: I am unable to enter anything

Now how do I import this? cannot see any import button?

If I try to use the plain text / transaction option it does not work either, after hitting the import button nothing gets imported.

Thank you for your help


Staff member
I made a test here doing exactly what you say and I get the amount entered as expected. One question though, what this transaction corresponds to?


New Member
The transaction is the transfer of $10000.00 from my checking in Switzerland into my wells fargo account in the US.
I tried again and…. nothing works. Now the only way I get anything after hitting preview is to put the divider to semicolon then hit preview. If I make any changes in sequence of the target fields before hitting preview, nothing shows up. So I tried to put divider to semicolon, hit preview then move amount (in/out) up. When it is across the date and I hit preview, an amount of 22.00 shows up in the lower window. If I continue to move up the amount (in/out) across from the 10000.00 and hit preview, everything disappears?? I am really at a loss.

I use a MacBook with Lion and the file I am trying to import has been generated by the payment software MacPay.
I have iCash 7.4.3-US


New Member
Well I finally got the import to work. But only after I converted my .CSV file into a Tab Delimited Text .TXT file. Does iCash not accept .CSV files? I would be glad to send you my file for you to try, but your file attach system does not accept .CSV files


Staff member
Yes, iCash supports CSV but your file is not a CSV file. CSV means 'Comma separated' but your file uses semicolons. It doesn't matter as long as you chose 'semicolons' as the delimiter. As I told you I made a test here and all works as expected for me. When I find a problem I fix it right away.