Import from Apple Mail screws up Firstname & Surname


New Member
Import > From Apple Mail
...doesn't import the first name and surname properly.

If I try to import an email address like this:
Gustavo Sabino <[email protected]>
It creates the following:
Firstname: Gustavo
E-mail Adress: [email protected]

As you can see it did not properly import the Firstname, however it did properly import the email address.

Unfortunately, the firstname is created in a variety of ways it is impossible to see a pattern. For example...

If I try to import an email address like this:
Maria Rousseva <[email protected]>
It creates the following:
Firstname: Maria
E-mail Adress: [email protected]

Thanks for all your help!


Staff member
Not yet, I have taken note of the problem and I will look at it as soon as possible.