Import Account Statement / Import Transactions


New Member

I' m in the process of evaluating your program after installing the latest version.

When opening a CSV file using Import Account Statement, I can change the date format (choosing / or - ) in the field. If I change the default '/' into '-' I can do the preview and the actual import works

What I don't understand though, is the meaning of Default Target (window 2 Settings), as the csv file is made up of different kind of transactions ( profits and losses), which means that I can not pick a Default Target that suits all.

When trying to import the same csv-file using Import Transactions, the import wizard won't give me the chance to change the date format, (I can not tell Icash to use the "-" separator between day-month-year)
As a result, nothing gets imported

Which of the 2 import methods are the right way to do ?



Staff member
The default target is the counterpart account on each transactions in case no rule can handle the transaction. It is a 'fallback' value. The import system is based on rules. If no rules apply to a transaction we need to set the counterpart account to something.


New Member
Ok, I'm trying to figure out how to make use of the Rules. I guess the idea is to put in keywords (eg Apple, Pizza Hut, Nike, Ikea, etc... ??

I tried it with some keywords that are in the sample csv file but nothing changes in the window (5 - Transactions) beneath.
"Type" field does not change, Target account does not change either, and reads the same value as the Default Target.

Thanks for taking your time



Staff member
Yes, the rules are based on keyword searches. You can click on the Preview button at any time to see the results. I guess you are making some kind of error with rules. Actually they only use the transaction comment field. Is that field properly lined-up?


New Member
Still having some questions ...

Window 5 - Transactions: What must be done in order to get (automatically) the "Undefined" changed in field "TYPE" (second after Date) I thought this field would fill up with the words found in the source file (3 Data) corresponding the Target field "Transaction Type"?

Window 5 : The Payee field is blank most of the time with a few exceptions, altough in the source ( window 3 Data) the target field 'Payee/Issuing' corresponds to the correct field on the left. That field is always filled in

Thanks for your patient


Staff member
Window 5 - Transactions: What must be done in order to get (automatically) the "Undefined" changed in field "TYPE" (second after Date) I thought this field would fill up with the words found in the source file (3 Data) corresponding the Target field "Transaction Type"?
This is the transaction type. You can change this column entering rules in the 'Rules' list (#4).
Window 5 : The Payee field is blank most of the time with a few exceptions, altough in the source ( window 3 Data) the target field 'Payee/Issuing' corresponds to the correct field on the left. That field is always filled in
Same here, you can set the Payee with rules, entering a payee in the 'Payee' column of 'Rules'