Icons on the Home view


New Member
I have noticed that since I upgraded to the new 5.1, the folder's icons on the home view are white instead of light blue, and they are almost invisible.
Is there a way to fix this issue?


White folders

Same for me, suddenly all folders are white. The file looks OK (checked) - OSX and all permissions OK. It is obviously making the view less clear.


Staff member
Received. I guess the icon was not included with the distribution. We will have to build the application again.


New Member
I've got the same problem in my iMac running Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6.
I noticed that this problem began when I downloaded and installed "iLifeMediaBrowser_v2" from the "Software Update" App.

Edit: I have iCash 4.5 ES and I still did not upgrade to 5.1 ES


New Member
I do not think this is a problem in version 5.1, as it happens to me and I have got iCash version 4.5. Besides this morning worked perfectly, and when I downloaded and installed the update "iLifeMediaBrowser_v2" icons changed.
I will try now Onyx... and will see what happens...


New Member
The update that creates the conflict is Quicktime 7.6.
I did the test on my MacBook and the same thing has happened: the folders in main view have disappeared...


New Member
I did notice the problem before update "iLife...." but probably (I'm not sure) after the Quicktime 7.6 update, so I guess cybergusano is right.


Staff member
It is the Quicktime update indeed. We have fixed the problem. You just need to download iCash again.


Staff member
I have tried to fix that version unsuccessfully. In the meantime we changed compilers and a lot of stuff. We can't compile v4 anymore.