iCash x iPhone IS A MUST


Staff member
Now that the iPad is available, the thing is becoming even more interesting. As I said in a previous post, we are looking into it. Porting iCash or part of it to a new system is not easy task so we need time to do it.


Staff member
I already tried to port to Linux twice but I did not make it. I have to try again as soon as possible. Porting to Linux is much easier than creating a version for iPhone/iPad.


New Member
Yes pleaeaeaes, do try to port iCash to linux again. I'm currently running iCash with wine on my linux-computers and it's not a very nice experience. Apart from being much slower than on a windows-machine one of my biggest annoyances right now is that it says that my account is pending though everythings seems to be reconciled. A bit strange.

It's a great program and up to this day there is nothing close to this software in the linux world.


Staff member
I was able to run iCash natively this morning on very last Ubuntu version. It seems to work fine however there are many aesthetic issues.


Staff member
I believe I can have the version ready in two weeks. This is much easier that creating the iPhone/iPad versions.


New Member

This is just incredible good news! Makes me so super duper happy! Please keep the work up. I've been waiting for a linux version so much. Yippie!!


Staff member
I will post a notification here as soon as it is ready. I guess I need a couple of weeks or less.


Staff member
I am still waiting for the new version of the SQL engine used by iCash. I have detected some problems in the current one. That new version is still in beta. I don't want to use a beta for a final product.


New Member

just wanted to say that I'd be *very much* interested in a version of iCash for Ubuntu. I have been using a v5 (registered) on OS X before, but don't own a Mac anymore. I'd be willing to update to v6, if there is version running on Ubuntu (10.04 with Gnome). And I'd also offer my help for finding bugs. In other words: I'd have no problem trying out a beta-version of iCash on Ubuntu.


Staff member
Yes, there is a version that seems to be working right now... there is no installer though. I have to look for info about installers...


New Member
Like Greenie I'm also very interested in trying the demo linux version if there will be some time before the stable version is out and I'm very willing to pay for a full registred version.

In case you didn't know, you might find it interesting that canonical will have a "purchase" tab of the "ubuntu software center" in the next version of ubuntu (10.10). Would be great to find iCash there!

Anyway, Cheers!