iCash SE via Apple Store


New Member
I bought iCash SE 7.2 at the Apple Onlinestore (App Store). Now I’m a little bit confused, because I found that you sell another version at your store.

Two differences I found:
  • the SE version is about 18 MB smaller (72 MB) than the one you sell (90 MB).
  • SE is 10 Euro cheeper.

Are there any limitations in SE? And if so, why isn’t it noted anywhere, neither at the App Store nor at your page.



Staff member
The size difference is because:

- The App Store version is for Mac Intel only (size/2).
- The App Store version is the Application alone.

The App Store version is very similar to our site version but it is the application only (for Mac Intel Only - no PPC code), no examples, no goodies...etc... Apple doesn't allow them! Apple only distributes applications alone so we only submit the application binary. We had no choice!

There is another difference you probably don't care at all but internally the application versions don't save the preferences, lists and so on to the same places, again because of Apple requirements. That means that if you purchase on one place you will have to download new versions from the same place. This is not a problem because if you purchase at the App Store you will also get the upgrades at the App Store. The day you decide to do otherwise you will have to contact me so I can tell you how to fix that.

There may be a small delay to get upgrades at the App Store as well because of the Apple acceptation process.

Because of those differences we decided to add 'SE' to the application name (Store Edition) and lower the price a bit.

But don't worry, the application does exactly the same! ...and you will get the same support.


New Member
Thanks for your detailed answer and also thanks for that cool programme.
