iCash disk space usage


New Member
I recently noticed my Maxprog:iCash folder in my home Documents folder is taking up a loy of space (158 Mb to be exact). The only iCash account file I work on daily though is about 4 Mb. Obviously there are a lot of older versions kept in these folders.

Does anyone know how to automatically or at least manually reduce this disk space use, i.e. which files are safe to delete? In particular it would be nice to decrease the size of the Backups and the XML Dumps folders.




Staff member
You can delete all backups if you prefer. Backups are rotating actually but if you don't need backups just delete them.


New Member
I see.
Now what about the XML Dumps folder? can I delete it and keep Backups and still be able to recover data in case something goes wrong?

In any case these files are created automatically and there is currently no preference to modify this behavior am I right?

Thanks again for the help


Staff member
XML dumps are backup as well. They help when the other fails. In a future only one type of backup will be performed. It is not a preference you can set right now.