iCash 7.5.4 slower on the Transaction pane


Hi Stan, I just updated to 7.5.4 from 7.5.3 Mac version on Maverick OS. Going to the "Transactions" pane now takes much longer to load (about 8 sec versus about 0.5 sec on 7.5.3). Same when I go to another month within the same "Transactions" pane.

Not workable for me. I reverted to 7.5.3, I hope this move is not going to create a bug in my file...

Let me know if something else should be done.

Otherwise iCash is a fantastic tool for my business management :D


Staff member
What is taking time to load, the transactions of the selected month? What operating system are you using? What kind of computer? iCash 7.5.4 uses the same SQL engine, no change so it has to be something else. We haven't detected anything during the test period. :-/


The whole pane switches and becomes visible after 8 to 9 sec, time measured from my click at the "Transactions" button. Same when selecting a different month within "Transactions" pane, result is visible much later after the click.

Using Maverick OS, on a (old) MacBook Pro 17" 2.66 GHz Core 2 duo. But so far everything was snappy.

One lead is that when I copied 7.5.4 folder from the installer into my program file, instead of replacing in one go (after prompting if OK) strangely the installer announced "1,695 newer items to be copied (such as “iCash”). Newer “SpellCheck” about to be replaced." with "Keep new" and "Replace all" which I clicked.

First time I get this dialog and maybe some old files are still kept?

Also there was a message like "updating database" while opening for the first time after the upgrade to 7.5.4


Staff member
The right way to install a software is not to overwrite the previous version because you can get all kind of errors due to permissions, file in use...etc...

The recommended way is to compress the previous version into a zip file (select the iCash folder, right-click your mouse and select the compress menu), remove that version and then copy the new iCash folder. The compressed version is in case you run into a problem and want to come back to that version.

Also it is recommended, when you have database speed problems, to reindex that database. Form the iCash File Manager, select your document and click on the 'Tools' menu and select 'Rebuild Index'.


I did update to 7.5.4 exactly as you described -> no change in (slow) behaviour.

I did reindex the file, also no change, still about 8 to 10 sec to display the content of the "Transactions" pane.

Re-installed 7.5.3: am back to full snappy speed.


Staff member
Have you check your document? The behavior is of a damaged file. There is no reason for being slower...


Document seems perfectly fine when I use the "check" tool on both 3 and 4 versions. Also I don't see any discrepancy in the results.

And on the previous version the file all works like a charm with more than 20,000 entries and 326 accounts ;-)


Staff member
I would need to see your document then. I am unable to reproduce this problem here.


Hi Stan, it seems I am unable to upload the file, I get this message after creating a ticket:

"Ticket #34078
Thank you for your inquiry.
File Budgets.icash.zip exceeds maximum allowed size."

It is only 2.1MB... Could you send me an Email so that I send it back as attachment?


Staff member
It ok, we have responded to your ticket with the address you have to sent your file to.