iCash 7.4 CRASH with MAC OS X 10.4.11


New Member

I upgraded to new 7.4 and crashes in my mac G5 with OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger).
If 7.4 doesn't run with PPC or Tiger, where can I get previous version?

I attatch a image with one window error.


Staff member
Try the following:

1.- Right click the iCash icon.
2.- Select the 'Show Package Contents' menu.
3.- Double-Click on 'Contents'.
4.- Double-Click on 'vcomponents'.
5.- Move 'libvreport_fat_release.dylib' to the trash.
6.- Close all the windows and launch iCash.


New Member
stanbusk said:
Try the following:

1.- Right click the iCash icon.
2.- Select the 'Show Package Contents' menu.
3.- Double-Click on 'Contents'.
4.- Double-Click on 'vcomponents'.
5.- Move 'libvreport_fat_release.dylib' to the trash.
6.- Close all the windows and launch iCash.

Hi Stan,

I did it and works perfectly.
Thanks you very much