Hyperlinks are activated but don't link in emails


New Member
Hyperlinks are highlighted in blue, but won't link in e-mails. This has always worked in the past. I have tried both manually coding <a href="URL">this text is a link</a> as well as using MaxBulk hyperlink manager which indicates no errors. I reinstalled MLM just in case. Still the same result. i am not sure what has changed and after reading through several of these forums can't seem to find a solution since I don't receive any error messages.


New Member
Yes. Here is one of the links <a href="http://www.browngrotta.com/Pages/balsgaard.php">Jane Balsgaard</a>. As I said it highlights in blue it just doesn't link anywhere.


Staff member
I don't see any error in this code...

<a href="http://www.browngrotta.com/Pages/balsgaard.php">Jane Balsgaard</a> is valid HTML code....

Are you using the styled text format? If so, is everything correct in the HTML code? Click on 'Eye' icon to reveal the HTML code.


New Member
My links are all correct. I have tested all of them from my URL page and they work correctly. Its seems since I upgraded Bulkmailer the hyperlinks don't seem to work with responsive code. If I use a text/html setting the links don't link anywhere. Perhaps if I remove MLM I can link directly to my url page so it won't link the public folder?